Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1993

Page no. 664 of 1626       

Proceedings of the Portland Society of natural history
Portland (Me.) - (s.n.), 1862- (Me.) - S. Berry) (Portland )

Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science
Rochester - Published by the Society, 1890-

Proceedings of the San Diego Society of natural history
San Diego - Society of natural history, 1990-

Proceedings of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science 1993 - papers presented at the Annual meeting of the American statistical association, San Francisco, California, August 8-12, 1993, ... / American Statistical Association
Alexandria - American Statistical Society, ?post 1993?
Monographic text

Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods 1993 - papers presented at the Annual meeting of the American statistical association, San Francisco, California, August 8-12 1993, ... / American Statistical Association
Alexandria - American Statistical Association, ?post 1993?
Monographic text

Proceedings of the Society for experimental biology and medicine
New York, N.Y. - Academic press, 1904-©2000

Proceedings of the Society for experimental mechanics
Brookfield Center, CT - Society for experimental mechanics, 1984-

Proceedings of the St. Petersburg mathematical society
Providence (RI) - American mathematical society, 1993-

Proceedings of the St. Petersburg mathematical society. 1 / O. A. Ladyzhenskaya, A. M. Vershik editors ; (translation edited by David Louvish and Simeon Ivanov)
Providence - American Mathematical Society, c1993
Monographic text

Proceedings of the Steklov institute of mathematics
Providence - American Mathematical Society

Proceedings of the symposium on
Brooklyn, N. Y. - Polytechnic press
Monographic text

Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics
Fresno (Calif.) - California State University. Department of linguistics, c1988-

Proceedings of the World Bank annual conference on development economics
Washington - (s.n.), 1989-1994

Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics 1992
(Washington - The World Bank), 1993
Monographic text

Proceedings U.S. Department of Agriculture Interagency gypsy moth research forum 1993 - January 19-22, 1993, Loews Annapolis Hotel, Annapolis, Maryland / edited by Sandra L.C. Fosbroke and Kurt W. Gottschalk
(The place of publication is not referred - s.n., 1993)
Monographic text

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