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X Window system - user's guide / by Valerie Quercia and Tim O'Reilly Canada, USA - O'Reilly & Associates, c1991-1993 Monographic text AAAI workshop on Knowledge discovery in databases (1993 ; Washington, USA) Knowledge discovery in databases - papers from the 1993 AAAI Workshop - July 11-12, Washington, DC, technical report WS-93-02 Menlo Park, CA - American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 1993 Monographic text Aaker, David A. Brand equity & advertising - advertising's role in building strong brands / edited by David A. Aaker, Alexander L. Biel Hillsdale, N.J. - Lawrence Erlbaum associates, 1993 Monographic text Abakanowicz, Magdalena Magdalena Abakanowicz - an installation in the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden organized by the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis 1992 - 1993 Minneapolis - Walker Art Center, c. 1993 Monographic text Abbey, Edward The brave cowboy - an old tale in a new time / Edward Abbey ; introduction by Kirk Douglas Salt Lake city - Dream Garden Press, Santa Barbara - Santa Teresa Press, 1993 Monographic text Abbot, Willis John The nations at war - a current story issued in parts / by Willis J. Abbot New York and London - Syndicate publishing company, (19..) Monographic text Abbott, Carl The Metropolitan frontier - cities in the modern American West / Carl Abbott Tucson ; London - University of Arizona, c1993 Monographic text Abbott, W. H. Atmospheric corrosion of control equipment / by W. H. Abbott Houston - Published for the Materials technology institute of the chemical process industries by NACE International, c1993 Monographic text Abdullah, Thabit A.J. The political economy of merchants and trade in basra, 1722-1795 / Thabit A.J. Abdullah Ann Arbor - UMI, 1993 Monographic text Abe, Jun Binding conditions and scrambling without A/A' distinction / Jun Abe Cambridge (MA) - MIT Working papers in linguistics distributore , 1993 Monographic text Abe, Kobo Secret rendezvous / by Kobo Abe ; translated by Juliet Winters Carpenter New York ; Tokyo ; London - Kodansha International, 1993 Monographic text Abeille, Bernard Social infrastructure construction in the Sahel - Options for improving current practices / Bernard Abeille, Jean-Marie Lantran Washington - The World Bank, 1993 Monographic text Abel, Annie H. The American indian and the end of the confederacy, 1863-1866 / by Annie Heloise Abel ; introduction to the Bison Book edition by Theda Perdue and Michael D. Green Lincoln - University of Nebraska Press, c1993 Monographic text Abele, Manlio G. Structures of permanent magnets - generation of uniform fields / Manlio G. Abele New York etc. - John Wiley, c1993 Monographic text Abell, Derek F. Managing with dual strategies - mastering the present preempting the future / Derek F. Abell New York - The Free Press ; Toronto - Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York ... etc. - Maxwell Macmillan International, c1993 Monographic text |