Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1993

Page no. 899 of 1626       

Balmori, Diana
Transitory gardens, uprooted lives / Diana Balmori and Margaret Morton
New Haven and London - Yale university press, c1993
Monographic text

Banac, Ivo
The national question of Yugoslavia - origins, history, politics / Ivo Banac
Ithaca ; London - Cornell university, 1993
Monographic text

Banca mondiale
Argentina's Privatization Program - Experience, Issues, and Lessons / World Bank
Washington - The World Bank, c1993
Monographic text

Banca mondiale
Developing the Occupied Territoires - An Investment in Peace
Washington - The World Bank, 1993
Monographic text

Banca mondiale
Getting results - the world bank's agenda for improving development effectiveness
Washington, D.C. - the World bank, 1993
Monographic text

Banca mondiale
Rapport sur le développement dans le monde 1993 - investir dans la santé / Banque mondiale
Washington - Banque mondiale, 1993
It's a part of > Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde
Monographic text

Banca mondiale
The World Bank and the environment - a progress report / The World Bank
Washington - The World Bank

Banca mondiale
World Bank Atlas - Population, per capita product and growth rates / World Bank
Washington - World Bank, 1971

Banca mondiale
World Development Report ... / World Bank
New York - Oxford University Press

Banca mondiale
World development report 1993 - Investing in health
New York - published for the World bank (by) Oxford university press, (1993)
It's a part of > World development report
Monographic text

Banes, Sally
Democracys body - Judson Dance Theater, 1962-1964 / Sally Banes
Durham ; London - Duke University Press, 1993
Monographic text

Banes, Sally
Greenwich Village 1963 - avant-garde performance and the effervescent body / Sally Banes
Durham ; London - Duke university press, 1993
Monographic text

Baneth, Jean
Fortress Europe
and other myths about trade - policies towards merchandise imports in the EC and in other major industrial economies and their impact on developing countries / by Jean Baneth
Washington - The World Bank, 1993
Monographic text

Baneth, Jean
Fortress europe
and other myths about trade - Policies toward merchandises imports in the EC and other major industrial economies (and what they mean for developing countries) / Jean Baneth
Washington - The World bank, 1993
Monographic text

Banker, Rajiv D.
Strategic information technology management - perspectives on organizational growth and competitive advantage / Rajiv D. Banker, Robert J. Kauffman, Mo Adam Mahmood
Harrisburg, PA - Idea Group Publishing, c1993
Monographic text

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