Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1993

Page no. 1035 of 1626       

De Souto, Martha Sarbey
Group travel / Martha Sarbey de Souto
Albany (N. Y.) - Delmar publishers, c1993
Monographic text

De Woody, Madelyn
Adoption and disclosure - a review of the law / by Madelyn De Woody
Washington - Child Welfare League of America, c1993
Monographic text

Deacon, Theodore Ralph
The comic intrusion- an analysis of the origins and function of the comedic elements in Giovanni Francesco Busenello and Claudio Monteverdis "L'incoronazione di Poppea" / Deacon Theodore Ralph
Ann Arbor - UMI, stampa 1993
Monographic text

Deak, Frantisek
Symbolist theater - the formation of an avant-garde / Frantisek Deak
Baltimore ; London - John Hopkins University Press, c1993
Monographic text

Deal, David Allen
The Nexus Spoken Language - The Link Between the Mayan and Semitic,During Pre-Columbian Times / David Allen Deal
Broadway - Isac Press, 1993
Monographic text

Dean, Andrew G.
A course in microcomputer use for epidemiologists - using version 5 of Epi Info / Andrew G. Dean
Geneva - World Health Organization, 1993
Monographic text

Deaner, Janice
Where blue begins / Janice Deaner
New York - Penguin Group, 1993
Monographic text

Deans, Stanley R.
The radon transform and some of its applications / Stanley R. Deans
Malabar, (US-FL) - Krieger, 1993
Monographic text

DeBerry, Stephen
Quantum psychology - steps to a postmodern ecology of being / Stephen T. DeBerry
Westport (Conn.) ; London- Praeger, 1993
Monographic text

Debussy, Claude
Cello sonata, violin sonata and sonata for flute, viola and harp / Claude Debussy
New York - Dover, 1993

Debussy, Claude
Debussy, Janacek, Shostakovic / Vogler Quartett
(New York) - BMG Music, p1993
Monographic text

Decegama, Angel L.
The technology of parallel processing / Angel L. Decegama
Englewood Cliffs, NJ - Prentice Hall International, copyr. 1989 -
Monographic text

Deem, James
Study skills in practice / James Deem
Boston (etc.) - Houghton Mifflin company, c 1993
Monographic text

Deep Purple (gruppo musicale)
The battle rages on... / Deep Purple
(New York) - BMG, (1993)
Audio recording

Defense Mapping Agency - Hydrographic center
Sight reduction tables for air navigation / (published by the Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center
Washington - U. S. Government printing office, 1972-
Monographic text

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