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2- Particles, nuclei, and the universe Princeton - Princeton university press, c1993 It's a part of > Selected works of Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich Monographic text ZELDOVICH, Yakov Borisovich 2- Particles, Nuclei, and the Universe / Editor of English Edition J.P- Ostriker ; Coeditors of English Edition G.I.Barenblatt, R.A. Sunyaev ; Technical Supervisor of English Edition E.Jackson ; Translators of English Edition A.Granik, E. Jackson Princeton - University Press, C1993 It's a part of > Selected Works of Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich Monographic text Zelezny, John D. Communications law - liberties, restraints, and the modern media / John D. Zelezny Belmont - Wadswort, c1993 Monographic text Zelezny, Lynnette C. Methods in action - ?study guide and activities workbook to accompany ?Methods toward a science of behavior and experience, fourth edition, by William J. Ray / by Lynnette C. Zelezny Pacific Grove, CA - Brooks/Cole, c 1993 Monographic text Zemel, Carol Vincent van Gogh / by Carol Zemel New York - Rizzoli international publications, 1993 (printed in Italy) Monographic text Zeno - of Philadelphia Zenon Papyri - business papers of the third century B.C. dealing with Palestine and Egypt / edited with introductions and notes by William Linn Westermann ... and Elizabeth Sayre Hasenoehrl New York - Columbia University press, 1934- . Monographic text Zerbe, Kathryn J. The body betrayed - women, eating disorders, and treatment / Kathryn J. Zerbe Washington ; London - American Psychiatric Press, c1993 Monographic text Zerubavel, Eviatar The fine line - making distinctions in everyday life / Eviatar Zerubavel Chicago - University of Chicago press, 1993 Monographic text Zettler, Richard L. 3- Kassite buildings in area WC-1 / Richard L. Zettler ; with contributions by James A. Armstrong ... (and others) ; architecture and drawings by John C. Sanders and Peggy May Sanders Chicago - Oriental institute of the University of Chicago, 1993 It's a part of > Nippur Monographic text Zevi, Bruno Architecture as space - how to look at architecture / by Bruno Zevi ; translated by Milton Gendel, edited by Joseph A. Barry New York - Da Capo, 1993 Monographic text Zhan, Jun Ending the Chinese civil war - power, commerce, and conciliation between Beijing and Taipei / Jun Zhan New York - St. Martins press, 1993 Monographic text Zhang, Guan-Hou (1937-1987) Theory of entire and meromorphic functions - deficient and asymptotic values and singular directions / Zhang Guan-hou Providence, R.I. - American Mathematical Society, c1993 Monographic text Zhao, Er-Mi Herpetology of China / by Er-Mi Zhao and Kraig Adler Oxford, Ohio - Society for the study of amphibians and reptiles, 1993 Monographic text Zhao, Quansheng Japanese policymaking - the politics behind politics - informal mechanisms and the making of China policy / Quansheng Zhao Westport ; London - Praeger, 1993 Monographic text Zhong, Xiaolin One numerical solutions of burnett equations for hypersonic flow past 2-D circular blunt leading edges in continuum transition regime / Xiaolin Zhong Reston (VA) - AIAA, 1993 Monographic text |