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Reston (VA) - AIAA, 1994 Monographic text Paramount world New York - Paramount pictures corporation, 1955- Magazine Paraplegia - the official journal of the International medical society of paraplegia Edinburgh - International medical society of paraplegia, 1963-1996 Magazine 2- The parasession on variation in linguistic theory / compiled and edited by Katharine Beals ... and others Chicago - Chicago university, 1994 It's a part of > Papers from the 30. regional meeting of the Chicago linguistic society / Chicago linguistic society Monographic text Parasitic and infectious diseases - epidemiology and ecology / edited by Marilyn E. Scott, Gary Smith San Diego etc. - Academic press, c1994 Monographic text The parathyroids - basic and clinical concepts / editor-in-chief John P. Bilezikian ; associate editor Robert Marcus, Michael A. Levine New York, NY - Raven, c1994 Monographic text Ser. I- The Paris Peace Conference of 1919 / editor M. Dockrill The place of publication is not referred - University publications of America, 1989- It's a part of > British documents on foreign affairs - reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print - Part. 2., from the First to the Second World War / general editors Kenneth Bourne and D. Cameron... Monographic text Parliamentary history - a yearbook Gloucester - Sutton ; New York - St. Martins Press, 1982- Magazine Parliaments in the modern world - changing institutions / edited by Gary W. Copeland and Samuel C. Patterson Ann Arbor - University of Michigan press, c1994 Monographic text Parnassus - poetry in review New York - Parnassus, 1972- Magazine La parola cattolica New Haven - (s.n. Magazine La parola dei socialisti - periodico settimanale - organo in lingua italiana del Partito socialista in America(the socialist party) A. 1, n. 1(17 feb. 1908)- Magazine Part 1 It's a part of > Sinfonie musicali a otto voci ... commode per concertare con ogni sorte di stromenti ... opera 18. - Venice, 1610 / Lodovico Viadana ; edited by James Ladewig Music Part 1 - Provisions Washington - Building Seismic Safety Council, 1994 It's a part of > NEHRP recommended provisions for seismic regulations for new buildings / prepared by the Building Seismic Safety Council for the FEMA Monographic text Part 1 of 2 San Diego etc. - Academic press, 1994 It's a part of > Computer-aided manufacturing/computer-integrated manufacturing (CAM/CIM) / edited by C. T. Leondes Monographic text |