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Jugements du Tribunal Administratif des Nations Unies New York - Nations Unies, 1962- Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Centre for social development and humanitarian affairs International review of criminal policy / United nations office at Vienna, Centre for social development and humanitarian affairs New York - United nations Magazine Nazioni Unite - Comite des droits de l'homme Selection de decisions du Comite des droits de l'homme prises en vertu du protocole facultatif New York - Nations Unies Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Commission economique pour l'Europe - Secretariat Etude sur la situation economique de l'Europe en ... / Nations Unies New York - N.U., 1959 - Magazine Nazioni Unite - Commission on international trade law Annuaire / Commission des Nations Unies pour le droit commercial international New York - Nations Unies, 1971- Magazine Nazioni Unite - Commission on international trade law Case law on UNCITRAL texts (CLOUT) - user guide / United Nations. Commission on international trade law New York - United Nations Publications, 1994 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Commission on international trade law UNCITRAL *model law on international commercial arbitration / United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Vienna - United Nations, 1994 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Commission on international trade law UNCITRAL *model law on international credit transfers / United Nations Commission on International Trade Law New York - United Nations, 1994 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Effects and control of long-range transboundary air pollution - report prepared within the framework of the convention on long-range transboundary pollution / Economic Commission for Europe New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 1994 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Forest resources of the temperate zones - Forest resource information of some newly constituted countries (Armenia, Croatia...Slovenia) New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 1994 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Consiglio di sicurezza Security council. Official records, special supplement New York, 1946- Magazine Nazioni Unite - Consiglio di sicurezza Security Council. Resolutions and decisions New York - United Nations, 1946- Magazine Nazioni Unite - Consiglio di sicurezza Security Council. Verbatim records New York - United Nations, 1946- Magazine Nazioni Unite - Departement de l'information economique et sociale et de l'analyse des politiques - Division de statistique Recommandations sur les statistique du tourisme / Nations Unies Departement de l'information economique et sociale et de l'analyse de politique Division de statistique ; Organisation mondiale du tourisme New Yotk - Nations Unies, 1994 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Departement de l'information economique et sociale et de l'analyse des politiques - Division de statistique Strategie des enquetes sur la structure et la croissance de l'industrie / Departement de l'information economique et sociale et de l'analyse des politiques, Division de statistique New York - Nations Unies, 1994 Monographic text |