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The second annual fiberoptic submarine system symposium - cross currents and opportunities - June 8-9, 1995, Hyatt Regency Cerromar Beach, Puerto Rico Newport - Kimi, 1995 Monographic text Annual international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval (18. ; 1995 ; Seattle) SIGIR '95 - proceedings of the 18. annual international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval, Seattle, Washington, USA, July 9-13, 1995 / edited by Edward A. Fox, Peter Ingewersen and Raya Fidel New York - ACM, c1995 It's a part of > SIGIR forum - a publication of the ACM special interest group on information retrieval Monographic text Annual international conference on mobile computing and networking (1. ; 1995 ; Berkeley) Mobicom '95 - proceedings of the first annual international conference on mobile computing and networking - November 13-15, 1995, Berkeley, California, USA New York - Association for computing machinery, c1995 Monographic text Annual symposium on computational geometry (11. 1995 ; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) Proceedings - of the eleventh annual symposium on computational geometry june 5-7, 1995 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada / sponsored by the ACM special interest groups for graphics and algorithms and computation theory New York - Association for computing machinery, c1995 Monographic text Annual symposium on computer applications in medical care (19. ; 1995 ; Ne w Orleans) Toward cost-effective clinical computing - 19. Annual symposium on computer applications in medical care - a conference of the American medical informatics association - proceedings - october 28-november 1, 1995, New Orleans, Louisiana / edited by Reed M. Gardner Philadelphia - Hanley & Belfus, c1995 It's a part of > Annual symposium on computer applications in medical care Monographic text Annual symposium on craniofacial growth (21. ; 1994 ; Ann Arbor) Orthodontic treatment - outcome and effectiveness - proceedings of the (21.) Annual symposium on craniofacial growth (Moyers symposium) - February 26-27, 1994, An Arbor, Michigan / volume editors Carroll-Ann Trotman, James A. McNamara, Jr. ; editorial associate Andrea Ferrara Ann Arbor - Center for human growth and development, the University of Michigan, ©1995 Monographic text Annual symposium on discrete algorithms (6. ; 1995 ; San Francisco) Proceedings of the sixth Annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms New York - Association for computing machinery ; Philadelphia - Society for industrial and applied mathematics, c1995 Monographic text Annual symposium on foundations of computer science (36. ; 1995 ; Milwaukee) Annual symposium on foundations of computer science - October 23-25, 1995, Milwaukee, Wisconsin - proceedings / sponsored by IEEE computer society tecnnical committee on mathematical foundations of computing Los Alamitos - IEEE computer society press, c1995 Monographic text Annual symposium on user interface software and technology (8. ; 1995 ; Pittsburgh) Eight Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '95) - proccedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - November 14-17, 1995 / sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and ACM SIGCHI ; in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT New York - ACM Press, 1995 Monographic text Annual Technical Meeting of the International Metallographic Society (27. ; 1994 ; Montreal) Metallographic techniques and the characterization of composites, stainless steels, and other engineering materials - proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual technical meeting of the International Metallographic Society / edited by M. T. Shehata ... (and others) Columbus - International Metallographic Society ; Materials Park - ASM International, 1995 Monographic text Ansa, Tina McElroy Ugly ways - a novel / Tina McElroy Ansa San Diego (etc.) - Harcourt Brace & Co., 1995 Monographic text Ansel, Howard C. Pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems / Howard C. Ansel, Nicholas G. Popovich, Loyd V. Allen Baltimora etc. - Williams & Wilkins, 1995 Monographic text Anselment, Raymond A. The realms of Apollo - literature and healing in seventeenth-century England / Raymond A. Anselment Newark - University of Delaware press ; London - Associated University presses, c1995 Monographic text Ansolabehere, Stephen Going negative - how attack ads shrink and polarize the electorate / Stephen Ansolabehere, Shanto Iyengar New York etc. - The free press, c1995 Monographic text ANSYS Verification manual - revision 5.2 / ANSYS Houston, PA - ANSYS, c1995 Monographic text |