Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1995

Page no. 1602 of 1607       

Zayat, Kamel A.
Steel detailing in CAD format / Kamel A. Zayat
New York etc. - Wiley, 1995
Monographic text

Zeeland, Steven
Sailors and sexual identity - crossing the line between "straight" and "gay" in the U.S. Navy / Steven Zeeland
New York - Haworth Press, (c1995)
Monographic text

Zeidler, Eberhard
Applied functional analysis - applications to mathematical physics / Eberhard Zeidler
New York (etc.) - Springer, c1995
Monographic text

Zeidler, Eberhard
Applied functional analysis - main principles and their applications / Eberhard Zeidler
New York etc. - Springer, c1995
Monographic text

Zelanski, Paul
Shaping space - the dynamics of three-dimensional design / Paul Zelansky, Mary Pat Fisher
(Belmont etc.) - Wadsworth, c1995
Monographic text

Zeldin, Theodore
An intimate history of humanity / Theodore Zeldin
New York - HarperCollins, 1995
Monographic text

Zeldovich, Boris Ya.
Speckle-wave interactions in application to holography and nonlinear optics / Boris Ya. Zeldovich, Alexander V. Mamaev, Vladimir V. Shkunov
Boca Raton (etc.) - CRC Press, c1995
Monographic text

Zelikow, Philip
Germany unified and Europe transformed - a study in statecraft / Philip Zelikow, Condoleezza Rice
Cambridge etc. - Harvard University press, c1995
Monographic text

Zellner, William W.
Countercultures - a sociological analysis / William W. Zellner
New York - St. Martin's Press, c1995
Monographic text

Zemanian, A. H.
Realizability theory for continuous linear system / A. H. Zemanian
New York - Dover Publications, 1995
Monographic text

Zeno - of Philadelphia
Zenon Papyri - business papers of the third century B.C. dealing with Palestine and Egypt / edited with introductions and notes by William Linn Westermann ... and Elizabeth Sayre Hasenoehrl
New York - Columbia University press, 1934- .
Monographic text

Zerubavel, Yael
Recovered roots - collective memory and the making of Israeli national tradition / Yael Zerubavel
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, (1995
Monographic text

Zeydan, Joseph T.
Arab women novelists - the formative years and beyond / Joseph T. Zeidan
Albany - State University of New York press, © 1995
Monographic text

Zha, Jianying
China pop - how soap operas, tabloids, and bestsellers are transforming a culture / Jianying Zha
New York - New press, ©1995
Monographic text

Zhang, J. C.
Yield and variability optimization of integrated circuits/ J.C. Zhang, M.A. Styblinski
Boston etc. - Kluwer academic, c1995
Monographic text

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