Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1996

Page no. 888 of 1624       

American concrete institute
Recommendations for concrete members prestressed with unbonded tendons / reported by ACI committee 423
Farmington Hills - American concrete institute, c1996
Monographic text

American concrete institute
State-of-the-art report on fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) reinforcement for concrete structures / reported by ACI committee 440
Detroit - Aci, c1996
Monographic text

American entomological society
Transactions of the american entomological society / American entomological society
Philadelphia - The society at the academy of natural sciences, 1890-

American film institute
Preview - (program guide to the AFI Theatre and member events
Washington - American Film Institute

American forest & and paper association
LRFD - Load and resistance factor design - manual for engineered wood construction / American forest & paper association
Washington - American forest & paper association ; American wood council, 1996
Monographic text

American geophysical union
1996 Fall meeting - December 15-19,1996 San Francisco, California / American geophysical union
Washington - AGU, 1996
Monographic text

American geophysical union
1996 oceans sciences meeting - february 12-16, San Diego, California / American Geophysical Union ; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
Washington - AGU, 1996
Monographic text

American geophysical union
1996 spring meeting - May 20-24 Baltimore, Maryland / American Geophysical Union ; Estuarine Research Federation ; Geochemical Society ; Mineralogical Society of America
Washington - AGU, 1996
Monographic text

American hospital formulary service
AHFS drug information ... / American hospital formulary service
Bethesda - American society of hospital pharmacists, (1984)-

American institute of aeronautics and astronautics
AIAA/USU conference on small satellites

American institute of chemical engineers
AICHEMI modular instruction - series E- Kinetics / American Institute of Chemical Engineers ; B.L. Crynes and H.S. Fogler, series editors
New York - American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1981

American institute of chemical engineers - Center for chemical process safety
Guidelines for evaluating process plant buildings for external explosion and fires / Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
New York - American Institute of Chemical Engineers, c1996
Monographic text

American institute of chemical engineers - Center for chemical process safety
Guidelines for use of vapor cloud dispersion models / Center for chemical process safety of the American institute of chemical engineers
New York - Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, c1996
Monographic text

American institute of electrical engineers
Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part 3- Power Apparatus and Systems
New York - American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1952-1962

American Italian historical association
Through the looking glass - Italian & Italian-American images in the media - selected essays from the 27. annual conference of the American Italian historical association - 10-12 November 1994 Chicago, Illinois / editors Mary Jo Bona, Anthony Julian Tamburri
Staten Island, NY - American Italian historical association, ©1996
Monographic text

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