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Phage lambda as a model organism - regulatory proteins and the life of lambda / Ira Herskowitz New York ; San Francisco - Cogito learning media, c1996 It's a part of > Knowledge now in experimental biology / Harvey F. Lodish series editor Monographic text Herstein, Israel Nathan (1923-1988) Abstract algebra / I. N. Herstein Upper Saddle River - Prentice-Hall, 1996 Monographic text Herstein, Israel Nathan (1923-1988) Noncommutative rings / I. N. Herstein ; afterword by Lance Small (The place of publication is not referred) - The Mathematical Association of America, 1996 Monographic text Hertzberg, Richard W. Deformation and fracture mechanics of engineering materials / Richard W. Hertzberg New York etc. - John Wiley, 1996 Monographic text Herzberger, Sharon D. Violence within the family - social pscychological perspectives / Sharon D. Herzberger Boulder - Westview press, 1996 Monographic text Herzog, Chaim Living history - a memoir / Chaim Herzog New York - Pantheon Books, c1996 Monographic text Hesiodus Hesiods works and days / a traslation and commentary for the social sciences by David W. Tandy and Walter C. Neale Berkeley etc. - University of California, c1996 Monographic text Hesketh, Howard E. Air pollution control - traditional and hazardous pollutants / Howard E. Hesketh Lancaster (etc.) - Technomic, c1996 Monographic text Hess, Kathleen Environmental sampling for unknowns / Kathleen Hess Boca Raton (etc.) - CRC ; Lewis publishers, c1996 Monographic text Hess, Peter (1951- Management - responsability for performance / Peter Hess, Julie Siciliano New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1996 Monographic text Hess, Peter (1951- Management responsibility for performance / Peter Hess, Julie Siciliano New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1996 Monographic text Hess, Stephen Presidents & the presidency / essays by Stephen Hess Washington, D.C. - The Brookings Institution, c1996 Monographic text Hesselbarth, Woody Trail construction and maintenanca notebook / Woody Hesselbarth, Brian Vachowski Missoula, Montana - USDA forest service, 1996 Monographic text Hetherington, Norriss S. Hubbles cosmology - a guided study of selected texts / Norriss S. Hetherington Tucson - Pachart publishing house, c1996 Monographic text Hetherington, Stephen Cade Knowledge puzzles - an introduction to epistemology / Stephen Cade Hetherington Boulder - Westview Press, 1996 Monographic text |