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The proceedings of the Sixth (1996) international offshore and polar engineering conference Golden, Colorado - International Society of offshore and polar engineers, c1996 Monographic text International offshore and polar engineering conference (6. ; 1996 ; Los Angeles) 4- Tubular structures, welding and robotics, fatigue and fracture, composite materials, mechanics and experiments, reliability and safety, collision and damage, naval and marine systems - presented at the Sixth (1996) International offshore and polar engineering conference held in Los Angeles, USA, May 26-31, 1996 / edited by J. F. Dos Santos ... (and others) Golden, Colorado - International Society of offshore and polar engineers, c1996 It's a part of > The proceedings of the Sixth (1996) international offshore and polar engineering conference Monographic text International parallel processing symposium (10. ; 1996 ; Honolulu) The 10th International parallel processing symposium - proceedings of the IPPS '96 - April 15-19, 1996, Honolulu, Hawaii / sponsored by the IEEE computer society Technical commettee on parallel processing ; in cooperation with the Association for computing machinery SIGARCH Los Alamitos - IEEE computer society press, c1996 Monographic text International power transmission and gearing conference (7. ; 1996 ; San Diego) Proceedings of the 7. international power transmission and gearing conference - October 6-9, 1996, San Diego, California / edited by Albert Karvelis New York - ASME, c1996 Monographic text International reliability physics symposium (34. ; 1996 ; Dallas) 1996 IEEE international reliability physics proceedings - 34. annual - Dallas, Texas, april 30, may 1-2, 1996 / sponsored by the IEEE electron devices society and the IEEE reliability society New York - The Institution of electrical and electronic engineers, c1996 Monographic text International Society of cryptozoology Cryptozoology - interdisciplinary journal of the International Society of cryptozoology Lawrence (KS, USA) - Allen press, 1982-1996 Magazine International solar wind conference (8. ; 1995 ; Dana Point) Solar wind eight - proceedings of the eight International solar wind conference - Dana Point, Ca June 1995 / editors Daniel Winterhalter ... and others Woodbury, N.Y. - American institute of physics, c1996 Monographic text International Symposium on Attention and Performance (16 ; 1994 ; Kyoto) Information integration in perception and communication / edited by Toshio Inui and James L. McClelland Cambridge, MA ; London - The MIT press, c1996 Monographic text International symposium on formation damage control (1995 ; Lafayette) International symposium on formation damage control - proceedings - 14-15 February 1996, Lafayette, Louisiana / (edited by) Society of petroleum engineers (Richardson) - Society of petroleum engineers, c1996 Monographic text International symposium on magnetic suspension technology (3. ; 1995 ; Tallahassee, Florida) Third international symposium on magnetic suspension technology - proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, held in Tallahassee, Florida, december 13-15 1995 / edited by Nelson J. Groom, Colin P. Britcher Hampton, Virginia - NASA, 1996 Monographic text International symposium on molecular plant-microbe interactions (8. ; 1996 ; Knoxville) (1)- Proceedings of the 8. International symposium on molecular plant-microbe interactions - Knoxville, Tennessee, July 14-19, 1996 / edited by Gary Stacey, Beth Mullin and Peter M. Gresshoff St. Paul, Minn. - International society for molecular plant-microbe interactions, c1996 It's a part of > Biology of plant-microbe interactions Monographic text International Symposium on Robotics and manufacturing (ISRAM '96) (Montpellier, France, 1996) Robotics and manufacturing - recent trends in research and applications - Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing (ISRAM '96) - Montpellier, France, May 28-30, 1996 / International symposium on Robotics and Amnufacturing (ISRAM '96) (6. Montpellier, France, 1996) ASME PRESS - New York, c1996 Monographic text International symposium on Thermal engineering and sciences for cold regions (5 ; 1996 ; Ottawa) Fifth international symposium on Thermal engineering and sciences for cold regions - proceedings - May 19-22, 1996, Ottawa, Canada / edited by Y. Lee and W. Hallett The place of publication is not referred - National research council Canada, 1996? Monographic text International Symposium «Man's right to knowledge» (1964 ; New York) Man's right to knowledge - An international symposium presented in honor of the two-hundredth anniversary of Columbia University, 1754-1954 New York - Muschel, 1954- . Monographic text International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Management (4; 1996; Tel-Aviv, Israel) Artificial intelligence in economics and management - an edited proceedings on the Fourth International Workshop - AIEM4, Tel-Aviv, Israel, January 8-10, 1996 / editor Phillip Ein-Dor Boston etc. - Kluwer Academic, c1996 Monographic text |