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LC Science Tracer Bullet Washington - Library of congress, 1972- Magazine Library of Congress - Subject cataloging division Subject headings used in the dictionary catalogs of the Library of Congress. Supplement ... To be used with the 5th edition and the July 1947-December 1949 and the January 1950-December 1951 cumulations / Library of Congress, Subject Cataloging Division Washington - (s.n.), 1952 Monographic text Library of Congress (Washington) New serial titles - a union list of serials commencing publication after December 31, 1949 Washington - Library of Congress, 1953- Magazine Library of Congress- Cataloging policy and support office Library of Congress classification. B-BJ, philosophy, psychology / prepared by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library Services Washington - Library of Congress, 1996 Monographic text Library of Congress- Cataloging policy and support office Subject cataloging manual - subject headings / prepared by the Cataloging policy and Support office Library of Congress Washington - Cataloging distribution service, Library of Congress, 1996 Monographic text Lichbach, Mark Irving The cooperator's dilemma / Mark Irving Lichbach Ann Arbor - University of Michigan press, 1996 Monographic text Licht, Daniel Stephen Kings Thinner - original motion picture score / original score by Daniel Licht (North Hollywood, CA) - Varese Sarabande, (1996) Audio recording Lichtenberg, Joseph D. The clinical exchange - Techniques derived from self and motivational systems / Joseph D. Lichtenberg, Frank M. Lachmann, james L. Fosshage Hillsdale ; London - The Analytic Press, c1996 Monographic text Lichtenstein, Gregg A. Incubating new enterprises - a guide to successful practice / by Gregg A. Lichtenstein and Thomas S. Lyons Washington, D.C. - The Aspen Institute, Rural economic program, c1996 Monographic text Lichtner, Peter C. Reactive transport in porous media / Peter C. Lichtner, Carl I. Steefel, Eric H. Oelkers Washington - The mineralogical society of America, c1996 It's a part of > Reviews in mineralogy Monographic text Liddell, Henry George Greek-english lexicon. Revised supplement / H. G. Liddell ... and others ; edited by P. G. W. Glare ; with the assistence of A. A. Thompson Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1996 Monographic text Liderman, Jorge Antigona Furiosa - Opera in one act / Jorge Liderman San Francisco - Music Publications Technologies, 1991 Monographic text Liebeck, Martin W. (1954-....) Reductive subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups / Marin W. Liebeck, Gary M. Seitz Providence - AMS, c1996 It's a part of > Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Monographic text Liebman, Herbert The dramatic art of David Storey - the journey of a playwright / Herbert Liebman Westport ; London - Greenwood press, 1996 Monographic text Ligachev, Yegor Inside Gorbachev's Kremlin - the memoirs of Yegor Ligachev / Yegor Ligachev ; introduction by Stephan F.Cohen Boulder - Westview, 1996 Monographic text |