Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1997

Page no. 104 of 1590       

Amerikanski srbobran - sprski narodni list i organ saveza srbobrana - the serbian national paper and the organ of the s'ty srbobran
Pittsburg - Serbian Orthodox Society Srbobran

Amerikán - politický povcný a zábavný casopis
Chicago - August Geringer

Ameryka echo
Toledo - A.A. Paryski

The AMICA Bulletin / Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Association
Sandusky, OH - The Association, 1993-

Amis and Amiloun, Robert of Cisyle and Sir Amadace / edited by Edward E. Foster
Kalamazoo (MI) - M.I.P., 1997
Monographic text

Ammonia plant safety (and related facilities) / prepared by editors of Chemical Engineering Progress
New York - American institute of chemical engineers, 1970-

Amphipod newsletter
, N. 1 (1972)-

Analog and mixed-signal hardware description language / Edited by Alain Vachoux ... and others
Boston etc. - Kluwer academic publishers, c1997
Monographic text

Analog circuit design - RF analog-to-digital converters; sensor and actuator interfaces; low-noise oscillators, PLLs and synthesizers / edited by Rudy J. Van De Plassche, Johan H. Huijsing and Willy Sansen
Boston etc. - Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1997
Monographic text

Analog design issues in digital VLSI circuits and systems/ edited by Juan J. Becerra, Eby G. Friedman
Boston etc. - Kluwer academic publishers, c1997
Monographic text

Analog integrated circuits and signal processing
Hingham - Kluwer academic, 1991-

Analysis and control methods for foods and agricultural products
New York etc. - Wiley VCH
Monographic text

Analysis and treatment of the aging face / Seth L. Matarasso and Alan Matarasso guest editors
Philadelphia etc. - W. B. Saunders, 1997
It's a part of > Dermatologic clinics
Monographic text

Analysis instrumentation - Proceedings of the ... National Analysis Instrumentation Symposium
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) - Instrument Society of America

Analysis of food constituents / edited by J.-L. Multon ; translated by Lance Dieter ; editors of the english-language edition W. J. Stadelman and Bruce A. Watkins
New York etc. - Wiley-VCH, c1997
It's a part of > Analysis and control methods for foods and agricultural products
Monographic text

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