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Thousand Oaks etc. - Sage, 1997 Monographic text Complex algebraic geometry / Janos Kollar editor ?Providence? - American Mathematical Society, c1997 Monographic text Complex predicates / edited by Alex Alsina, Joan Bresnan, and Peter Sells Stanford, CA - Center for the study of language and information, ©1997 Monographic text Complex systems / Complex systems publications Champaign - Complex systems publications Inc., 1987 - Magazine Complex variables - theory and application New York - Gordon and Breach, 1982-2005 Magazine Complexity New York - John Wiley and sons Magazine Complexity theory retrospective 2. / Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Alan L. Selman edit ors New York etc. - Springer, c1997 Monographic text Complexity, logic, and recursion theory / edited by Andrea Sorbi New York ?etc.? - M. Dekker, c1997 Monographic text Complications in the intensive care unit - Recognition, prevention and management / Edited by Michael A. Matthay, David E. Schwartz New York (etc.) - Chapman and hall, c.1997 Monographic text Components of effective reading intervention / guest editor Barbara R. Foorman Mahwah ; London - Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997 Monographic text Composite construction design for buildings / Ivan M. Viest ... and others New York etc. - McGraw-Hill - ASCE, 1997 Monographic text Composite materials / ed. by Lawrence J. Broutman and Richard H. Krock New York ; London - Academic Press, 1974- . Monographic text Composites engineering handbook / edited by P. K. Mallick New York etc. - Dekker, c1997 Monographic text The composition of chinese foods / edited by Guangya Wang, Banoo Parpia, Zhimei Wen Washington - ILSI press, 1997 Monographic text Composium Directory of new music - annual index of contemporary compositions / Peter Christ ; Carol Cunning Los Angeles, CA - Crystal Record Company, 1977- Monographic text |