Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1997

Page no. 355 of 1590       

2- Germany - july 1940-december 1941 / editor Patrick Salmon
The place of publication is not referred - University publications of America, c1997
It's a part of > ?Ser. F.- ?Europe / editor Patrick Salmon
Monographic text

Germany reunified - a five and fifty year retrospective / edited by Peter M. Daly...(and others)
New York - Peter Lang, c.1997
Monographic text

Germinal - mensile anarchico di propaganda
(Chicago - Germinal)

Gesta / International center of Romanesque art
New York - International center of Romanesque art, 1964-

The ghost of Tom Joad / Rage against the machine
(New York) - Sony Music Entertainment, c1997
It's a part of > Rage against the machine
Audio recording

Gifted child quarterly
Vol. 1 (1958)-. Washington, DC - National Association for gifted children, 1958-

Giglio theatre magazine - an illustrated publication of italian-american life
New York - (s.n. , 1948/49-

Gilles Deleuze, philosopher of cinema / (testi di D. N. Rodowick ... (and others
Iowa city - University of Iowa, 1997
It's a part of > Iris - Revue de theorie de l'image et du son
Monographic text

Il Giornale della sera di Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh - s.n.

Il Giornale di Chicago - Chicago's first and only Italian daily
Chicago - The Italian Press Association

Il Giornale italiano
New York - the Italian Press Publishing Association

Giovinezza - rivista di cultura fascista nel Nord America
New York - Juventus Publishing Corp, (1927?)-

Gis county user guide - laboratory excercises in Urban geographic information systems / William E. Huxhold ... and others
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1997
Monographic text

GIS world - the world's leading geographic information systems publication
Fort Collins, Usa - GIS world, 1988-1998

Gitanjali - a collection of prose translations made by the author from the original Bengali / Rabindranath Tagore ; with an introduction by W. B. Yeats
New York - Scribner poetry, 1997
Monographic text

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