Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1997

Page no. 359 of 1590       

Government and the food industry- economic and political effects of conflict and cooperation / edited by L. Tim Wallace, William R. Schroder
Boston ; Dordrecht ; London - Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1997
Monographic text

Government finance statistics yearbook / Prepared by the Government finance statistics division, Bureau of statistics, of the International monetary fund
Washington - International monetary fund, 1977-

Government information on the internet
Lanham (MD) - Bernan, 1997-

Government publications review - an international journal of issues and information resources

Government regulation of the employment relationship / edited by Bruce E. Kaufman
Madison (Wis.) - Industrial relations research association, c1997
Monographic text

Government reports announcements / US Department of Commerce ; National technical information service
Washington - US Government printing office, 1971-

Government views on the relationships between population and environment
New York - United Nations, 1997
Monographic text

Government-ngo cooperation in population programmes - report of the reginal seminar on Government-NGO cooperation for strengthening population policies and programmes / Economic and social commision for Asia and the Pacific
New York - United Nations, 1997
Monographic text

GQ gentlemen's quarterly - the fashion magazine for men
Garden City - Blanchard press, 1958-

2-The grade-school child - development and syndromes / Paulina F. Kernberg and Jules R. Bemporad editors
New York (etc.) - J. Wiley & Sons, 1997
It's a part of > Handbook of child and adolescent psychiatry / Joseph D. Noshpitz editor in chief
Monographic text

Grading teachers, grading schools - is student achievement a valid evaluation measure? / editor Jason Millman
Thousand Oaks, Ca. - Corwin Press
Monographic text

Gradiva - (a journal of contemporary theory and practice)
Stony Brook - State University of New York, 1976-

Grainger & Allisons diagnostic radiology - a textbook of medical imaging / edited by Ronald G. Grainger, David Allison ; forewords by Albert Baert, E. James Potchen
New York ?etc.? - Churchill Livingstone, 1997
Monographic text

Le Grand Baton
Cleveland (Ohio) - The Sir Thomas Beecham Society, 1964-

Grand Canyon - National Park
Skokie (Ill.) - Rand McNally, c1997

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