Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1997

Page no. 362 of 1590       

Group 97 - Proceedings of the international ACM SIGGROUP conference on supporting group work - The integration challenge - November 16-19, 1997, Phoenix, Arizona, USA / Editors Stephen C. Hayne, Wolfgang Prinz
New York - ACM, c1997
It's a part of > Group - International *ACM *SIGGROUP *conference on supporting group work
Monographic text

Groupe de l'apartheid / Department des affaires politiques et des affaires du Conseil de securitè
, New York - s. n.

Grouting - compaction, remediation and testing - proceedings of session of the Geo-Logan '97 conference. Logan, Utah. July 16-18, 1997 / edited by C. Vipulanandan
New York - ASCE, c1997
Monographic text

Grower talks
Batavia ILL - Ball Pub., 1937-

Grower Talks Magazine
Batavia, Ill. - Ball Publishing

Growth and change - a journal of urban and regional policy
Lexington - University of Kentucky, 1970-

Growth, development and aging - GDA
Bar Harbor, ME - Growth pub. Co., (©1988-

GSA today - a publication of the Geological society of America
Boulder, Co. - Geological society of America

Guangara libertaria / Colectivo Guangara
Miami - (s.n.), 1980-

The guaranty survey / published monthly by Guaranty trust company of New York
New York, 1921-

Gudea and his dynasty / Dietz Otto Edzard
Toronto ; Buffalo ; London - University of Toronto press, 1997
Monographic text

Guide for precast concrete wall panels - reported by ACI Committee 533
Detroit - American Concrete Institute, stampa 1997
Monographic text

Guide for Russian and foreign investors partecipating in the implementation of energy efficiency demonstration zones and other energy-saving projects in the Russian Federation - energy efficiecy 2000 project
New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 1997
Monographic text

The guide to American law supplement ... - everyone's legal encyclopedia
St. Paul, Minn. etc. - West Publishing Company, c1990-
Monographic text

The guide to American law supplement - everyones legal encyclopedia
St. Paul (Minn.) (etc.) - West publishing, 1990-

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