Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1997

Page no. 560 of 1590       

Microcomputers in civil engineering
New York - Elsevier, 1986-1997

Microelectronics packaging handbook / edited by Rao R. Tummala, Eugene J. Rymaszewski, Alan G. Klopfenstein
New York etc. - Chapman & Hall, c1997
Monographic text

Microentomology - contributions to entomology from the Natural history museum of Stanford university
s.n. - Stanford University press,1936-

Micrografx GraphicsSuite 2 - manuals and guide
Richardson (TX) - Micrografx, ©1997
Monographic text

Microlithography world / Society of Photo-opticals instrumentation engineers
Port Washington, NY - Penn Well, 1992-

Micromachined devices and components 3. - 29 september 1997, Austin, Texas / Kevin Chau, Patrick J. French chairs/editors
Bellingham - SPIE, c1997
Monographic text

Micromachining and microfabrication process technology 3. - 29-30 september, Austin, Texas / Shih-Chia Chang, Stella W. Pang chairs/editors
Bellingham - SPIE, c1997
Monographic text

Micromechanics and MEMS - classic and seminal papers to 1990 / edited by William S. Trimmer
New York ; The Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, c1997
Monographic text

Vol.1, n.1, January 1955

Microscopes in endodontics / Syngcuk Kim guest editor
Philadelphia (PA) etc. - W. B. Saunders, ©1997
It's a part of > The dental clinics of North America
Monographic text

Microscopy research and technique
New York - Wiley-Liss, c1992-

1- Microsoft Access Language Reference and Microsoft Office Data Access Reference
Redmond - Microsoft press, 1997
It's a part of > Microsoft Office 97 - Visual Basic language Reference / Microsoft Corporation
Monographic text

2- Microsoft Excel Language Reference
Redmond - Microsoft Press, 1997
It's a part of > Microsoft Office 97 - Visual Basic language Reference / Microsoft Corporation
Monographic text

Microsoft FrontPage 97 - unleashed / William R. Staneck ... and others
Indianapolis (IN) -, c1997
Monographic text

Microsoft ODBC 3.0 - SDK on CD-rom
Redmond - Microsoft Press, (1997)
It's a part of > Microsoft ODBC 3.0 - programmers reference / Microsoft Corporation
Multimedia monographic essay

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