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Los Angeles - Year incorporated ; New York - Simon & Schuster Magazine Year Book / American philosophical society Philadelphia Magazine Year book / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , (1911?)- Magazine Year book / Michigan society sons of the American revolution Detroit - R. E. Van Syckle Magazine Year book of anesthesia Chicago - Year Book Medical, 1963-1991 Magazine The Year book of anesthesiology and pain management St. Louis (etc.) - Mosby, c1994- Magazine Year book of cardiology Chicago - Year book medical publiscers, 1976- Magazine The year book of critical care medicine / editor Mark C. Rogers...(and others) Chicago - Year Book Medical Publishers, 1987 Magazine Year book of diagnostic radiology Chicago - Year book medical publ., 1975- Magazine The year book of drug therapy Chicago - Year book medical publishers, 1949-1998 Magazine The year book of emergency medicine / editor David K. Wagner...(and others) Chicago - Yera Book Medical Publishers, 1987 Magazine Year book of endocrinology Chicago (IL) - The Year Book publishers, (©1951- Magazine The Year book of infectious diseases Chicago, IL - Year Book medical publishers, (©1986-©1998 Magazine The Year book of infertility and reproductive endocrinology St. Louis, MO - Mosby, (©1994- Magazine The Year book of medicine 1949- . -Chicago - The Year book publishers, 1949- Magazine |