Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1997

Page no. 1295 of 1590       

Mead, Theodore Charles
Historical iconology and the symbolism of wood in German painting- from Friedrich to Kiefer / Theodore Charles Mead
Ann Arbor - UMI Dissertation Services, ©1997
Monographic text

Meade, Teresa A.
Rio - reform and resistance in a Brazilian city, 1889-1930 / Teresa A. Meade
University Park - Pennsylvania state university press, c1997
Monographic text

Meadmore, Clement
The modern chair - classic designs by Thonet, Breuer, Le Corbusier, Eames and others / Clement Meadmore
Mineola (N.Y.) - Dover, 1997
Monographic text

Meadows Rogers, Robert D.
The Vatican logge and their culminating decorations under Pius 4. and Gregory 13. - decorative innovation and urban planning before Sixtus 5. / by Robert D. Meadows Rogers
Ann Arbor, Michigan - UMI, c1997
Monographic text

Meadows, James D.
Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing - workbook and answerbook - (per ASME Y14.5M-1994) / James D. Meadows
New York (etc.) - M. Dekker, c1997
Monographic text

Medhurst, Martin J.
Cold war rhetoric - strategy, metaphor, and ideology / Martin J. Medhurst
East Lansing - Michigan State University Press, 1997
Monographic text

Meerman, Jacob
Reforming agricolture - the World bank goes to market / Jacob Meerman
Washington, D.C. - The World bank, c1997
Monographic text

Meeting nutritional needs of asian countries in the 21. century (1996 ; Singapore)
Dietary guidelines in asian countries - towards a food-based approach - proceedings of a seminar and workshop on national dietary guidelines Meeting nutritional needs of asian countries in the 21. century - July 27-28, 1996, Singapore / edited by Rodolfo F. Florentino ; organized by International life sciences institute southest Asia (ILSI southest Asia) ; co-organized by Food and nutrition department, Ministry of health Singapore and Singapore nutrition and dietetics association ; in collaboration with Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations
Washington - ILSI press ; Singapore - ILSI southest Asia, c1997
Monographic text

Meeus, Jean
Mathematical astronomy morsels / Jean Meeus
Richmond, VA. - Willmann-Bell, c1997
Monographic text

Meffe, Gary K.
Principles of conservation biology / Gary K. Meffe, C. Ronald Carroll and contributors
Sunderland, Mass. - Sinauer, c1997
Monographic text

Megadeth (gruppo musicale)
Cryptic writings / Megadeth
(The place of publication is not referred) - Capitol, p1997
Audio recording

Megginson, William L.
Corporate finance theory / William L. Megginson
Reading, Massachusetts etc. - Addison-Wesley, c1997
Monographic text

Mehldau, Brad
The Art of the Trio, volume one / Brad Mehldau (Brad Mehldau, piano; Larry Grenadier, basso; Jorge Rossy, drums)
Burbank, Calif. - Warner Bros, (1997)
Audio recording

Meho, Lokman I.
The Kurds and Kurdistan - a selective and annotated bibliography / compiled by Lokman I. Meho
Westport, CT ; London - Greenwood, 1997
Monographic text

Mehren, Philip T. - von
Crossborder trade and investment with Mexico - NAFTA's new rules of the game / Philip T. von Mehren
Irvington-on-Hudson (N.Y.) - Transnational pbls., c1997
Monographic text

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