Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1998

Page no. 104 of 1618       

American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology - an official journal of the American thoracic society, medical section of the American lung association
New York (NY) - American lung association, 1989-

American journal of rhinology
Providence, RI - OceanSide publications, (©1987-©2008

American journal of roentgenology - official journal of the American roentgen ray society and the American radium society
Springfield (IL) - Thomas,

The American journal of science - journal of The mineralogical society of America
New Haven (CO) - Dana, 1880-

The American journal of sociology
Chicago - University of Chicago press, 1895-

The American journal of sports medicine - the official publication of the American orthopaedic society for sports medicine
Baltimore (MD) - William & Wilkins, 1976-

The American journal of surgery
New York (NY) - (s. n., 1905

The American journal of surgical pathology
New York, NY - Raven Press (etc.), 1977-

The American journal of the medical sciences
Philadelphia - Henry C. Lea

American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene - official organ of the American society of tropical medicine and hygiene
Baltimore (MA) - William and Wilkins, 1952-

American journal of veterinary research / American veterinary medical association
(The place of publication is not referred) ; (poi) Schaumburg - AVMA

American journal on mental retardation - AJMR
Washington, DC - American association on mental retardation, (©1987-©2008

1- American journalism 1959-1969
New York - Library of America, c1998
It's a part of > Reporting Vietnam
Monographic text

2- American journalism 1969-1975
New York - Library of America, c1998
It's a part of > Reporting Vietnam
Monographic text

1- American journalism - 1959-1969
New York- Literary classics of the United States, c1998
It's a part of > Reporting Vietnam
Monographic text

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