Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1998

Page no. 1300 of 1618       

Marzollo, Jean
I spy little animals / rhymes by Jean Marzollo ; photographs by Walter Wick
New York - Scholastic, 1998
Monographic text

Masada String trio
Issachar / Masada String Trio
New York - Tzadik, (1998
It's a part of > The circle maker / John Zorn
Audio recording

Mascarenhas, Briance
Dynamics of core competencies in leading multinational companies / Briance Marcarenhas, Alok Baveja, Mamnoon Jamil
Berkeley - The regents of the University of Berkeley, c1998
Monographic text

Mascelli, Joseph V.
The five C's of cinematography - motion picture filming techniques / Joseph V. Mascelli
Los Angeles - Silman-James Press, 1998
Monographic text

Mashaw, Jerry L.
Administrative law - the american public law system - cases and materials / by Jerry L. Mashaw, Richard A- Merrill, Peter M. Shane
St. Paul, Minn. - West, 1998
Monographic text

Mason, David
The pocket guide to lymphoma classification / David Mason and Kevin Gatter
Oxford - Blackwell science, 1998
Monographic text

Mason, James L.
Ground-water hydrology and simulated effects of development in the Milford Area, an Arid Basin in Southwestern Utah / by James L. Mason
Denver, Co. - U. S. Department of the interior, 1998
It's a part of > Regional aquifer-system analysis - Great Basin, Nevada and Utah.
Monographic text

Mason, James L.
Hydrology of the Bonneville Salt Flats, northwestern Utah, and simulation of ground-water flow and solute transport in the shallow-brine aquifer / by James L. Mason and Kenneth L. Kipp, jr. ; prepared in cooperation with the Bureau of land management
Washington - United States government printing office , 1998
Monographic text

Mason, John Brown
Research resources - annotated Guide to the Social Sciences
Santa Barbara - American Bibliographical Center-Clio, 1968- .
Monographic text

Mason, Paul T.
Stop walking on eggshells - (taking your life back when someone you care about has borderline personality disorder / Paul T. Mason, Randi Kreger
Oakland, CA - New Harbinger publications, c1998
Monographic text

Mason, Peter
Infelicities - representations of the exotic / Peter Mason
Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins University press, 1998
Monographic text

Massabò, Bruno
Grande piatto in vetro blu figurato ad incisione e ad intaglio da una tomba della necropoli di Albingaunum (Albenga) / Bruno Massabo
New York - the Corning Museum of Glass, c 1998
Monographic text

Massachusetts general hospital - Department of anaesthesia
Clinical anesthesia procedures of the Massachusetts general hospital / Department of anesthesia and critical care, Massachusetts general hospital, Harvard medical school
Philadelphia ; New York - Lippincott-Raven poi Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c1998
Monographic text

Massachusetts institute of technology
MIT's technology review
Cambridge (Mass.) - Association of alumni and alumnae of the Massachusetts institute of technology, c1997-c1998

Massachusetts institute of technology
Sloan management review / Massachussets institute of technology
Cambridge (Mass.) - Industrial management review association, 1970-2000

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