Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1998

Page no. 1311 of 1618       

McGinn, Bernard
3- The flowering of mysticism - men and women in the new mysticism (1200-1350) / by Bernard McGinn
New York - Crossroad Publishing Company, c1998
It's a part of > The presence of God - a history of western christian mysticism / by Bernard McGinn
Monographic text

McGinn, Bernard
3- The flowering of mysticism - men and women in the new mysticism (1200-1350) / by Bernard McGinn
New York - Crossroad Publishing Company, c1998
It's a part of > The presence of God - a history of Western christian mysticism / by Bernad McGinn
Monographic text

McGinn, Bernard
Visions of the end - apocalyptic traditions in the Middle ages / Bernard Mc Ginn
New York - Columbia university press, ©1998
Monographic text

McGinn, Thomas A. J.
Prostitution, sexuality and the law in ancient Rome / Thomas A. J. McGinn
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1998
Monographic text

McGinnis, Martha Jo
Locality in A-movement / by Martha Jo McGinnis
Cambridge, MA - distribuited by MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 1998
Monographic text

McGivern, Joseph
Interrupt-driven PC System Design / Joseph McGivern
San Diego, Ca. - Annabooks
Monographic text

McGlatery, James M.
Mysticism and Sexuality E.T.A. Hoffmann / James M. McGlathery
Las Vegas- P. Lang, 1981-
Monographic text

McGlathery, James M.
Wagner's operas and desire / James M. Mcglathery
New York - Lang, 1998
Monographic text

McGovern, Stephen J.
The politics of downtown development - dynamic political cultures in San Francisco and Washington, D.C. / Stephen J. McGovern
Lexington - University press of Kentucky, c1998
Monographic text

McGowan, Chris
The Brazilian sound - Samba, Bossa Nova and the popular music of Brazil / Chris McGowan and Ricardo Pessanha
Philadelphia - Temple university press, 1998
Monographic text

McGowan, John
Hanna Arendt - an introduction / John McGowan
Minneapolis ; London - University of Minnesota press, c1998
Monographic text

McGrath, Sean
XML by example - building e-commerce applications / Sean McGrath
Upper Saddle River - Prentice Hall PTR, 1998
Monographic text

McGraw, Eloise
The Moorchild / by Eloise McGraw
Monographic text

McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch
Nobel prize women in science - their lives, struggles, and momentous discoveries / Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
Secaucus, N.J. - Carol Pub. Group, 1998
Monographic text

McGrew, Kevin S.
The intelligence test desk reference - ITDR - Gf-Gc cross-battery assessment / Kevin S. McGrew, Dawn P. Flanagan ; foreword John B. Carroll
Boston etc. - Allyn and Bacon, c1998
Monographic text

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