Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1998

Page no. 1319 of 1618       

Menon, Raja
Maritime strategy and continental wars / Raja Menon
London ; Portland, Or. - Frank Cass, 1998
Monographic text

Menor, Ritu
Borders & boundaries - women in Indias partition / Ritu Menon & Kamla Bhasin
New Brunswick, New Jersey - Rutgers university press, 1998
Monographic text

Menotti, Gian Carlo
Gian-Carlo Menotti's the Medium - complete soundtrack - opera in two acts
(USA - VAI Audio, p 1998
Audio recording

Menotti, Gian Carlo
The medium / opera in two acts by Gian Carlo Menotti ; (cantanti) Marie Powers ... (and others) ; (eseguita da) Symphony orchestra of Rome Radio italiana ; conducted by Thomas Schippers
Unitd States - VAI audio, (1998)
Audio recording

Mentzer, John T.
Sales forecasting management / John T.Mentzer, Carol C.Bienstock
Thousand Oaks etc. - Sage, 1998
Monographic text

Menzel, Peter
Man eating bugs - the art and science of eating insects / Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio
Napa - A Material World Book ; Berkeley - Ten Speed Press, (1998
Monographic text

Merbecke, John
The booke of common praier noted - London, 1550, Bridwell library / John Merbecke
Palo Alto - Octavo, c1998
Monographic text

Mercer, Jean
Infant development - a multidisciplinary introduction / Jean Mercer
Pacific Grove - Brooks/Cole Publishing Company ; London - ITP, 1998
Monographic text

Merceron, Jacques
Le message et sa fiction - la communication par messager dans la litterature francaise des 12. et 13. siecles / Jacques Merceron
Berkeley (etc.) - University of California Press, c1998
Monographic text

Merchant, Kenneth A.
Modern management control system - text and cases / Kenneth A. Merchant
Upper Saddle River (NJ) - Prentice Hall, c1998
Monographic text

Merchant, Kenneth A.
Modern management control systems - text and cases / Kenneth A. Merchant
Upper Saddle River, NJ - Prentice Hall, c1998
Monographic text

Merchant, Michael
Exploring electronics techniques and troubleshooting / Michael Merchant
Upper Saddle River (NJ) ; Columbus (OH) - Prentice Hall, c1998
Monographic text

Meron, Theodor
Bloody constraint - war and chivalry in Shakespeare / Theodor Meron
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University press, 1998
Monographic text

Merrell, Floyd
Simplicity and complexity - pondering literature, science, and painting / Floyd Merrell
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan Press, 1998
Monographic text

Merrell, Kenneth W.
Social skills of children and adolescents - conceptualization, assessment, treatment / Kenneth W. Merrell, Gretchen A. Gimpel
Mahwah (N.J.) etc. - LEA, 1998
Monographic text

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