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Boca Raton - CRC press Monographic text Chronic and recurrent pain in children and adolescents / editors Patrick J. McGrath, G. Allen Finley Seattle - IASP press, c1999 Monographic text Chronic pain / Rollin M. Gallagher guest editor Philadelphia (PA) etc. - W. B. Saunders, 1999 It's a part of > The medical clinics of North America Monographic text Chronic pain - assessment, diagnosis, and management / edited by Michael S. Margoles and Richard Weiner Boca Raton - CRC Press, c1999 Monographic text Chronic pelvic pain / Steven F. Palter guest editor Philadelphia (PA) etc. - W. B. Saunders, 1999 It's a part of > Infertility and reproductive medicine clinics of North America Monographic text Chronica monasterii S. Albani / edited by Henry Thomas Riley Millwood - Kraus reprint, 1965- Monographic text The chronicle editorial review - published quarterly / San Francisco Chronicle , San Francisco - s. n. Magazine Chronique des Nations Unies / Department de l'information de l'ONU New York - United Nations publications, (1983)- Magazine Chronobiology international - a journal of basic and applied biological rhythm research Oxford ; New York - Pergamon press Magazine Chronology of the United Nations / edited by A.G. Mezerik New York - International review Service, 1961- Magazine Chronology, bibliography and index for the Group of 77 and the Non-aligned movement / edited by Joachim W. Muller and Karl P. Sauvant New York - Oceana, 1993- Monographic text Chrysanthemum / by Kevin Henkes Oakland - MerryMakers, c1999 Object Church and society / boards of christian education of the United presbyterian church USA and the Presbyterian church USA New York, 1970- Magazine CI on CD with Abstracts - Chemical Abstracts collective index Columbus, OH - American Chemical Society, c1997- Periodico - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU PUV 0345928) CIGR handbook of agricultural engineering - a five volume series / edited by CIGR, The international commission of agricultural engineering St. Joseph (MI) - ASAE, c1999 Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU USM 1426210) CINAHL database - comprehensive database of citations to nursing and allied health literature Norwood (MA) - SilverPlatter, 1982- Periodico - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU PUV 0956806) Cine-mundial - revista mensual ilustrada de artes, letras y diversiones de toda clase New York - Chalmers publishing company Magazine Cineaste pamphlet New York - Cineaste magazine Magazine |