Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1999

Page no. 207 of 1606       

Cisco internetwork troubleshooting / (edited by) Laura Chappell, Dan Farkas
Indianapolis, IN - Cisco press, c1999
Monographic text

Cistercian studies
Huntsville (Utah) - Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity, 1966-

1.- Citations / Mary Morris Schmidt
Madison - Sound View Press an affiliate of Institute for art research & documentation, 1999
It's a part of > Index to Nineteenth century american art periodicals / Mary Morris Schmidt
Monographic text

Cities and citizenship / James Holston, editor
Durham (NC) ... etc. - Duke university press, 1999
Monographic text

Citizen competence and democratic institutions / edited by Stephen L. Elkin and Karol Edward Soltan
University Park - The Pennsylvania State University Press, c1999
Monographic text

CItizens and the new governance - beyond new public management / edited by Luc Rouband
Amsterdam (etc.) - IOS, c1999
Monographic text

Citizenship studies
Abingdon - Carfax publishing company, 1997-

Citrus health management / edited by L.W. Timmer, L.W. Duncan
St. Paul, Minn. - Aps press, c1999
Monographic text

The city of rainbows / retold and illustrated by Karen Foster
Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvania Museum, c1999
Monographic text

City profiles USA - a traveler's guide to major US and Canadian cities
Detroit - Omnigraphics, c1996

Cityscape 2. / guest editors- Clark Arnwine and Jesse Lerner
Athens (Ohio) - Ohio university college of fine arts, ©1999
It's a part of > Wide angle - a film quarterly of theory, criticism and practice
Monographic text

Civil actions against the United States, its agencies, officers, and employees / prepared by Shepard/s editorial staff
Colorado Springs - Shepard's-McGraw-Hill ; New York - McGraw-Hill, c1992-
Monographic text

Civil engineering / American society of civil engineers
New York (N.Y.) - ASCE, 1983-

3- Civil Engineering, Manufacturing & Materials, Transportation / Phillis Engelbert
Detroit ; London - UXL, c1999
It's a part of > Technology in action - science applied to everyday life / Phillis Engelbert
Monographic text

Civil liberties and the Constitution - cases and commentaries / Lucius J. Barker ... and others
Upper Saddle River (N.J.) - Prentice-Hall, ©1999
Monographic text

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