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Malden - Blackwell publishers, c1999 Monographic text Implementing the U.N. convention on the rights of the child - a standard of living adequate for development / edited by Arlene Bowers Andrews and Natalie Hevener Kaufman ; foreword by Gary B. Melton Westport (Connecticut) ; London - Praeger, 1999 Monographic text Implications of the uruguay round agreements for the Asian and pacific region - papers and proceedings presented at the ESCAP/UNDP/KDI regional symposium on the Uruguay Round agreements, 30 november-3 december 1994, Seoul - under the ESCAP/UNDP regional trade programme (RAS/92/035) and KDI/UNDP programme on macroeconomic policy formulation (RAS/92/040) New York - United Nations, 1995 Monographic text The implications to the Montreal Protocol of the inclusion of HFCS and PFCS in the Kyoto Protocol - HFC and PFC task force of the technology and economic assessment panel / UNEP (The place of publication is not referred) - UNEP Ozone Secretariat, 1999 Monographic text Important 19. century European paintings, drawings and sculpture - New York, Wednesday, November 3, 1999 / Sotheby's New York - Sotheby's, 1999 Monographic text Important 19. century European paintings, drawings and sculpture - Wednesday, May 5, 1999 / Sotheby's New York - Sotheby's, 1999 Monographic text Important french and continental furniture, decorations, ceramics, carpets and tapestries - New York november 12, 1999 /Sotheby's New York - Sotheby's, (1999 Monographic text Impressionism - paintings collected by European museums / Ann Dumas curator of the exhibition ; Michael E. Shapiro menaging curator of the exhibition New York - Harry N. Abrams, 1999 Monographic text Improvement of wear resistance of cam shaft and rocker arm at 4-cycle engines / A. Mizuta ... (and others) Warrendale, PA - Society of Automotive Engineers, 1999 Monographic text Improving data warehouse and business information quality - methods for reducing costs and increasing profits / Larry P. English Monographic text Improving information for social policy decisions - the uses of microsimulation modeling Monographic text In a medieval garden - instrumental and vocal music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance / Stanley Buetens lute ensemble ; Stanley Buetens director (Stati Uniti) - Nonesuch, (dopo il 1956) Audio recording In memory of my feelings- Frank O'Hara and American Art / a cura di Russell Ferguson Los Angeles - Museum of Contemporary Art ; Berkeley etc. - University of California Press, 1999 Monographic text In review - a SERI research update Golden - SERI, 1979- Magazine In search of adventure - a wild travel anthology / written and compiled by- Bruce Northam and Brad Olsen San Francisco - Consortium of collective consciousness, c1999 Monographic text |