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San Jose (CA) - (s.n. Magazine Santa Barbara papers in linguistics Santa Barbara (Calif.) - University of California. Department of linguistics, 1987- Magazine Santa Barbara Portuguese studies Santa Barbara, CA - Center for Portuguese studies, University of California at Santa Barbara, 1994- Magazine Sante et mortalite - rapport concis / Departement des affaires economiques et sociales, Division de la population New York - Nations Unies, 1999 Monographic text SAPHEAD Audiovisual Sarape textiles from historic Mexico - the mexican sarape- a history - The Saint Louis Art Museum, May 4, 1999 - November 28, 1999 / by William Wroth ; checklist and technical analysis Zoe Annis Perkins Saint Louis - Saint Louis Art Museum, ©1999 Monographic text Sarapis - the American journal of egyptology Chicago - University of Chicago, 1969- Magazine Sarcoma - a multidisciplinary journal Hants - Carfax, 1997- Magazine Sargent- the late landscapes / edited by Hilliard T. Goldfarb, Erica E. Hirshler, T. J. Jackson Lears Boston, Massachusetts - Isabella Stewart Gardner museum, ©1999 Monographic text Sargentia - a continuation of the contributions from the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard university , N. 1 (1942)- Magazine SAS/STAT user's guide, version 8 / SAS Institut Inc Cary - SAS Institute Inc., c1999 Monographic text Satellite remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere IV / Jaqueline E. Russell Washington - SPIE-The international society for optical engineering, c1999 Monographic text The Saturday Evening Herald Chicago - s.n., 1875 Magazine Saturday review New York - Saturday review ass Magazine Saunders gastroenterology CD-ROM / Feldman ... and others . - Philadelphia (PA) - W.B. Saunders, c1999. - 1 CD-ROM - sonoro, color. + 1 guida all'us o ; 12 cm.' Requisiti del sistema- Windows 95/98 o Windows NT, 486/66MHz processore(Pentium raccomandato); 16 MB RAM; 14 MB liberi su hard disk; Window 95 NT Workstation, 3.51 o superiore; 15" 16-bit SVGA col. monitor; lettore CD ROM doppia velocita; scheda sonora (solo raccomandate dal Tutorial); Windows 3.1, 386 o superiore (486 raccomandati); 8 MB RAM; 12 MB liberi su hard disk; 15" 16-bit SVGA monitor colori; lettore CD ROM doppia velocita; schedasonora (solo raccomandata dal Tutorial). Macintosh- PowerPC o superiore; 1 3 MB RAM, 14 MB liberi su hard disk; Sistema 7.5 o superiore ; 14" 16-bit SVGA col. monitor; lettore CD ROM dopiia velocita. - Tit. del contenitore. - In contenitore 24x19x4. - Single user version Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU PUV 0921218) Sauti, the inner city voice - the voice of Detroit's Black revolution Detroit (MI) - (s.n. Magazine |