Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1999

Page no. 1343 of 1606       

Nazioni Unite - Consiglio di sicurezza
Security Council. Resolutions and decisions
New York - United Nations, 1946-

Nazioni Unite - Consiglio di sicurezza
Security Council. Verbatim records
New York - United Nations, 1946-

Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs
Business and the United Nations - partners in sustainable development - industry and technology / Department of Economic and Social Affairs
IV, 154 p. - ill. ; 28 cm
Monographic text

Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs
Plans de développement- évaluation des objectifs et progrès réalisés dans les pays en voie de développement - Etude sur l'économie mondiale, 1964
New York - Nations Unies, 1965
Monographic text

Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs - Population division
1- Comprehensive tables / Department of economic and social affairs, Population division
New York - United Nations, 1999
It's a part of > World population prospects - the 1998 revision / Department of economic and social affairs, Population division
Monographic text

Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs - Population division
Review and appraisal of the progress made in achieving the goals and objectives of the programme of action of the international conference on population and development / Department of economic and social affairs, population division
New York - United Nationa, 1999
Monographic text

Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs - Population division
2- The sex and age distribution of the world population / Department of economic and social affairs, population division
New York - United Nations, 1999
It's a part of > World population prospects - the 1998 revision / Department of economic and social affairs, Population division
Monographic text

Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs - Population division
World abortion policies- 1999 / United nations, Population Division, Department of economic and social affairs
New York - United Nations, c1999
Monographic text

Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs - Population division
World contraceptive use 1998 / United Nations, Department of economic and social affairs, Population Division
New York - United Nations, 1999
Graphic document

Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs - Population division
World population 1998 / United Nations, Population division, Department of eco nomic and social affairs
New York - United Nations, c1999
Graphic document

Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs - Statistical office
World statistics in brief / United Nations, Department of economic and social affairs statistical office
New York - United Nations statistical pocketbook, 1976-

Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs - Statistics division
A systems approach to national accounts compilation - a technical report / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division
New York - United Nations, 1999
Monographic text

Nazioni Unite - Department of international economic and social affairs
Construction statistics yearbook / United Nations, Department of international economic and social affairs, Statistical office
New York - United Nations

Nazioni Unite - Department of international economic and social affairs
Demographic indicators of countries - estimates and projections as assessed in ... / Department of international economic and social affairs
New York - United Nations, 1982-

Nazioni Unite - Department of international economic and social affairs
Population growth and policies in mega-cities / Department of international economic and social affairs
Monographic text

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