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Champaign - Complex systems publications Inc., 1987 - Magazine Complex systems and performance Santa Monica - Human factors and ergonomics society, 2000 It's a part of > Ergonomics for the new millennium - proceedings of the 14. triennial congress of the International ergonomics association and 44. annual meeting of the human factors and ergonomics society - San Dieg... Monographic text Complex variables - theory and application New York - Gordon and Breach, 1982-2005 Magazine Complexity New York - John Wiley and sons Magazine 29- Compositae - Tribe Cichorieae / editors- E. G. Bobrov and N. N. Tzvelev Washington, D.C. - Smithsonian institution libraries, 2000 It's a part of > Flora of the U.S.S.R. - (Flora SSSR) / chief editor V. L. Komarov ; (poi B. K. Schischkin Monographic text 26- Compositae - Tribes Anthemideae, Senecioneae, and Calenduleae / volume editors- B. K. Schischkin and E. G. Bobrov Enfield - Science publishers, 2000 It's a part of > Flora of the U.S.S.R. - (Flora SSSR) / chief editor V. L. Komarov ; (poi B. K. Schischkin Monographic text Composite materials / ed. by Lawrence J. Broutman and Richard H. Krock New York ; London - Academic Press, 1974- . Monographic text Composium Directory of new music - annual index of contemporary compositions / Peter Christ ; Carol Cunning Los Angeles, CA - Crystal Record Company, 1977- Monographic text Compost science & utilization Emmaus - JG Press, 1993- Magazine Comprehensive endocrinology New York (NY) - Raven press, 1979- Magazine Comprehensive index Materials Park - ASM international, 2000 It's a part of > ASM handbook / prepared under the direction of the ASM International Handbook Committee Monographic text Comprehensive psychiatry - official journal of the American Psychopathological Association New York - Elsevier Magazine Comprehensive virology Vol.1(1974)- Magazine Compressed air Washington - Compressed air magazine, 1965 Magazine Compressor and turbine volute design system / J.M. Maguire ... (and others) New York, NY - ASME, 2000 Monographic text |