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San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2000 Monographic text Start the 21. century - launching the geospatial information age - *ASPRS 2000 proceedings - Washington, DC, may 22-26, 2000 Bethesda - American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, c2000 Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU MIL 0603751) The Stata technical bulletin reprints College station (Texas) - Stata corporation, c1992- Magazine State alternative fuel technologies 2000 - SP-1545 Warrendale, PA - Society of Automotive Engineers, c2000 Monographic text State and federal 2001 table of laws and rules The place of publication is not referred - West Group, c2000 It's a part of > Corpus juris secundum - a contemporary statement of American law as derived from reported cases and legislation / by Lawrence J. Culligan and Milorad Nikolic ; poi Robert J. Owens and Anthony V. Am... Monographic text State and local legislative action to reduce tobacco use Bethesda - U.S. Dept. of health and human services, Public health service, National institutes of health, National cancer institute, 2000 Monographic text State fair / directed by Walter Lang ; music by Richard Rodgers ; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2. ; screenplay by Oscar Hammerstein 2. ; from a novel by Philip Stong Usa - Twentieth century fox home entert. (distributore , 2000 Audiovisual State information directory Washington (DC) - CQ press, c2000- Magazine 1- State legislation New York - Oceana Publ. Inc., c2000 It's a part of > Legal aspects of terrorism in the United States / Yonah Alexander and Edgar H. Brenner Monographic text The State of the library art / ed. by Ralph R. Shaw New Brunswick - Rutgers, 1960- Monographic text The state of working America ... / Economic policy institute Armonk (N.Y.) (etc. - M. E. Sharpe Magazine State policies and women's autonomy in China, the Republic of Korea, and India 1950-2000 - lessons from contrasting experiences / Monica Das Gupta ... (and others) Washington - The World Bank, 2000 Monographic text State University of Montana studies Missoula - University of Montana, 1926- Magazine Statement of financial accounting standards no. .. Stamford, Conn. - Financial Accounting Standards Board, 1973- Magazine Statistical abstract of Latin America - published annually by the Latin A merican Center of the University of California Los Angeles, 1955- Magazine Statistical abstract of the United States - national data book and guide to sources Washington - U.S. Department of commerce, Bureau of the census Magazine |