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Microsoft Windows 2000 professional unleashed / Paul Cassel (Indianapolis) - Sams, (2000) Monographic text Casseri, Giulio (ca. 1552-1616) Iulii Casserii Pentaestheseion - hoc est, De quinque sensibus liber / Giulio Cesare Casseri Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Monographic text Casseri, Giulio (ca. 1552-1616) Nova anatomia / Giulio Cesare Casseri Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Monographic text Cassianus, Johannes The Institutes / John Cassian ; translated and annotated by Boniface Ramsey New York- The Newmann Press, c2000 Monographic text Cassiday, Julie A. The enemy on trial - early Soviet courts on stage and screen / Julie A. Cassiday Evanston, Ill. - Northwestern University press, c2000 Monographic text Cassidy, Eva Time after time / Eva Cassidy (Gig Harbor, Wa.) - Blix Street Records, 2000 Audio recording Cassini de Thury, César-François (1714-1784) Relation de deux voyages faits en Allemagne ... / Cesar Francois Cassini de Thury Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Monographic text Cassini, Giovanni Domenico Observations sur la comete qui a paru au mois de decembre 1680 / Giovanni Domenico Cassini Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Monographic text Cassini, Jacques (astronomo) Theses mathematicae de optica / Jacques Cassini Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Monographic text Castaneda, Ivan Esteban The Figura Serpentinata - Michelangelo, Florentine Neoplatonism and the Academia Sacra Medicea - a dissertation presented to the graduate faculty of the university of Virginia in candidacy for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy / Ivan Esteban Castaneda Ann Arbor - UMI, (2000) Monographic text Castelli, Benedetto (1577?-1643) Della misura dell'acque correnti / Benedetto Castelli Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Monographic text Castells, Manuel End of millennium / Manuel Castells Oxford ; Maldel (Ma.) - Blackwell, 2000 It's a part of > The information age - economy, society and culture / Manuel Castells Monographic text Castells, Manuel - The rise of the network society / Manuel Castells Oxford ; Malden Ma. - Blackwell, 2000 It's a part of > The information age - economy, society and culture / Manuel Castells Monographic text Castells, Raimond Fernando de Rojas and the Renaissance vision - phantasm, melancholy, and didacticism in Celestina / Ricardo Castells University Park - The Pennsylvania State University press, ©2000 Monographic text Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Guitar recital- Castelnuovo-Tedesco / Lorenzo Micheli (Franklin, Tenn.) - Naxos, (2000) Audio recording |