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IFC 2000 annual report. Volume 2 - financial review / IFC Washington D.c. - The World Bank, 2000 Monographic text International finance corporation Summary proceedings 1958 - annual meeting of the Board of Governors Washington - International Finance Corporation, 1958- . Monographic text International finance corporation Third annual report - 1958-1959 Washington - International Finance Corporation, 1959- . Monographic text International Kant Congress (6. ; 1985 ; Filadelfia) Proceedings of the sixth International Kant congress / edited by Gerhard Funke and Thomas M. Seebohm Washington - Center for advanced research in phenomenology - University press of America, 1991- Monographic text International LS-DYNA Users Conference (6. ; 2000 ; Dearborn, Michigan) International LS-DYNA Users Conference. Simulation 2000. April 9-11, 2000 Deaborn, Michigan / co-sponsored by Engineering Technology Associates (ETA) and Livermore Software Technology Corporation Livermore CA - Livermore Software Technology Corp., c2000 Monographic text International modal analysis conference (18. ; 2000 ; San Antonio) Proceedings of IMAC-18. - a conference on structural dynamics - February 7-10, 2000, The Westin La Cantera Resort, San Antonio, Texas / technical program chair- Alfred L. Wicks ... (and others) ; organized by Society for experimental mechanics Bethel, Ct. - Society for experimental mechanics, 2000 Monographic text International narcotics control board Report of the International narcotics control board ... / International narcotics control board New York (NY) - United nations, 1970- Magazine International Planetarium Society The IPS directory of the world's planetariums - 1999-2000 / Shawn Laatsch, Dale W. Smith (The place of publication is not referred - International Planetarium Society, 2000 Monographic text International polychaete conference (6. ; 1998 ; Curitiba, Parana, Brazil) International Polychaete Conference held at Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, August 2-7, 1998 / Donald J. Reisch and Paulo Lana, guest editors Miami - Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 2000 It's a part of > Bulletin of marine science Monographic text International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste (2. ; 1999 ; Barcelona) Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste 2 - Selected Proceedings of the 2. International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste, held in Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 june 1999 / Editors- J Mata-Alvarez, F Cecchi and A Tilche London - IWA Publishing, c2000 It's a part of > Water science & technology / a journal of the International association on water quality Monographic text International Symposium on Attention and Performance ( 18 ; 1998 Control of cognitive processes / edited by Stephen Monsell and Jon Driver Cambridge, Ma - MIT press, c2000 Monographic text International Symposium on Attention and Performance ( 18 ; 1998 Control of cognitive processes - Attention and performance XVIII - Cumberland Lodge 12-18 july 1998 / edited by Stephen Monsell and Jon Driver Cambridge, Mass. - MIT press, c2000 Monographic text International symposium on diamond materials (6. ; 1999 ; Honolulu (US-HI)) Diamond materials - proceedings of the sixth International Symposium / editors, J.L. Davidson ... (and others) Pennington, New Jersey - Electrochemical Society, ©2000 Monographic text International symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies (19. ; 1999 ; Stanford, USA) international symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies - lepton-photon 99 - Stanford, California, USA, 9-14 august 1999 / Editors John Jaros & Michael Peskin Singapore etc. - World Scientific, c 2000 Monographic text International symposium on magnetic suspension technology (5 ; 1999 ; Santa Barbara) Fifth international symposium on magnetic suspension technology - proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ... (and others), held in Santa Barbara, California, december, 1-3 1999 / edited by Nelson J. Groom, Colin P. Britcher Hampton, Virginia - NASA, 2000 Monographic text |