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Potomac, Md - Phillips Business Information, 1996- Magazine The aviation news New York - McGraw Hill Magazine Aviation week New York - McGraw- Hill, 1947- Magazine Aviation week & space technology New York - McGraw-Hill, 1960- Magazine Aviation, space, and environmental medicine / published monthly by the Aerospace medical association Hanover (PA) - the Sheridan press, 1975- Magazine The avionics handbook / edited by Cary R. Spitzer Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU UBO 1858987) Avionics magazine Rockwille - Access Intelligence, 1977- Magazine L' avvenire - Italian weekly newspaper New York - C. De Gregoriis Magazine L' avvenire - quindicinale di propaganda - organo libertario della vecchia guardia New York - La vecchia guardia del Gruppo Carlo Tresca, già Gruppo del Martello, 1943- Magazine L' avventura / Michelangelo Antonioni U.S.A. - Janus films, 2001 Audiovisual Axonal regeneration in the central nervous system / Nicholas A. Ingoglia...(and others New York - Marcel Dekker Inc, c2001 Monographic text Ayer directory of publications Philadelphia - Ayer press Magazine L' azione New York - Free Italians House, 1941- Magazine Babybug Peru, Illinois - Carus Publishing, 1994- Magazine Baby's first words in Italian / music produced and arranged by Jeff Waxman (USA - Living language, (2001 It's a part of > Baby's first words in Italian - newborn to 2 years Audio recording 1- Bacterial pathogens / edited by Y. H. Hui, Merle D. Pierson, J. Richard Gorham New York ; Basel M. Dekker, c2001 It's a part of > Foodborne disease handbook / edited by Y. H. Hui ... (et al.) Monographic text |