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Vol. 1(1964)- New York - Academic Press, 1964- Magazine Contemporary psychology - a journal of reviews Washington - American psychological association, 1956-2004 Magazine Contemporary sociology - a journal of reviews Washington - American sociological association Magazine Contemporary spine surgery Hagerstown (MD) - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000- Magazine Contemporary studies in applied behavioral science Greenwich (CT) ; London - Jai Press, 1983- Magazine Contemporary studies on Lord Byron / edited by William D. Brewer Lewiston etc. - Edwin Mellen, c2001 Monographic text Contemporary theatre, film and television - a biographical guide featuring performers, directors, writers, producers, designers, managers, choreographers, technicians, composers, executives, dancers and critics in the United States and Great Britain - a continuation of Who's who in the theatre / Monica O'Donnel, editor Detroit - Gale research, copyr. 1984- Magazine Contemporary topics in analytical and clinical chemistry New York ; London - Plenum press, 1977- Magazine Contemporary topics in immunobiology New York - Plenum Press, ©1977- Magazine Contemporary topics in laboratory animal science / American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. --vol.44,n.6 (Nov. 2005) Cordova, TN - AALAS, -c2005.- 14 v. - ill. ; 30 cm Magazine Contemporary treatment of peripheral nerve problems / editor-in-chief Winfield S. Fisher III ; guest editor Neal J. Naff New York ; Stuttgart - Thieme, ©2001 It's a part of > Seminars in neurosurgery Monographic text Contention - debates in society, culture, and science Bloomington - Indiana University Press Magazine Contentious Europeans - protest and politics in an integrating Europe / edited by Soug Imig and Sidney Tarrow Lanham - Rowman & Littlefield, 2001 Monographic text The Contentious senate - partisanship, ideology and the myth of cool judgment / edited by Colton C. Campbell and Nicol C. Rae Lanham (etc.) - Rowman Littlefield, 2001 Monographic text Contesting democracy - substance and structure in American political history, 1775-2000 / edited by Byron E. Shafer and Anthony J. Badger Lawrence - University Press of Kansas, c2001 Monographic text |