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Indianapolis - New Riders, 2001 Monographic text Inventory of marriage and family literature Vol.3(1975)- Magazine Inverse problems in underwater acoustics / Michael I. Taroudakis, George Makrakis Editors New York, etc. - Springer, c2001 Monographic text Invertebrate biology - a quarterly journal of the American microscopical society and the Division of invertebrate zoology/A.S.Z Lawrence, Ks. - American microscopical society, 1995- Magazine Invertebrate reproduction & development Philadelphia ; Rehovot - Balaban, 1989- Magazine Invertebrate zoology multimedia lab assistant. - Dati sonori e visivi elettronici. - (Vancouver) - produced by Tom Carefoot and Cindy Young, ©2001. - 3 CD-ROM ; 12 cm. - Requisiti del sistema- Pentium II PC with at least 30 MB available RAM; 12X CD-ROM drive; Windows98 or newer; Apple Quicktime 5; Sound card with audio speakers. - Contiene- Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Echinodermata, Chordata ; Annelida, Mollusca, Onychophora ; Arthropoda. Monographic text Invertebrates - an interactive educational multimedia program. - Dati visivi e sonori elettronici. - Chico, CA - CyberEd, c1995-2004. - 1 CD-ROM ; 12 cm. - (CyberEd biology course). - Requisiti del sistema- Pentium; SVGA graphic card with 640x480 resolution at thousands of colors; Windows 95,98,Me,2000,NT 4.0; 16 MB of RAM (32 recommended); 2 MB hard disk space; sound card; CD-ROM drive (4x or better preferred) with MSCDEX 2.2 or later, or a similar caching product installed. Monographic text Invertebrates - multimedia courseware Chico, Calif, - CyberEd., c2001 Monographic text Investigations in fish control Washington, DC - US department of interior, Fish and wildlife service, Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, 1964- Magazine Investigations in mathematics education Columbus - The Center for Science and Mathematics Education, the Ohio State University Magazine Investigative ophthalmology & visual science - IOVS - a journal of clinical and basic research - official publication of the Association for research in vision and ophthalmology Hagerstown (MD) (etc. - Association for research in vision and ophthalmology (etc. , 1977- Magazine Investigative radiology - the official publication of the Association of university radiologists and the Society of chairmen of academic radiology departments Philadelphia (PA) - Lippincott, 1966- Magazine Investment companies yearbook ... / CDA/Wiesenberger investment companies service Rockville - CDA/Wiesenberger, 1993- Magazine Investment management for insurers / edited by David F. Babbel and Frank J. Fabozzi New Hope Penn. - Frank J. Fabozzi Associates Monographic text Invited guest - an anthology of twentieth-century Southern poetry / edited by David Rigsbee and Steven Ford Brown Charlottesville ; London - University Press of Virginia, 2001 Monographic text |