Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2002

Page no. 562 of 1533       

Merveilles & contes / Editor- Jacques Barchilon
Boulder (CO) - University of Colorado

Vol. 5- Mesenteric circulation, hernia, small intestine / edited by Keith D. Lillemoe
It's a part of > Shackelford's surgery of the alimentary tract / (edited by George D. Zuidema, Charles J. Yeo
Monographic text

Mesoamericas classic heritage - from Teotihuacan to the Atzecs / edited by David Carrasco ... (and others)
Boulder - University press of Colorado, 2002
Monographic text

Mesozoic birds - above the heads of dinosaurs / edited by Luis M. Chiappe and Lawrence M. Witmer
Berkeley, Calif. - University of California Press, c2002
Monographic text

Il messaggero - the messenger - weekly Italian newspaper published in both the Italian and English languages
New Orleans - (s. n.), 1933-

Il messaggero della salute - rivista mensile d'igiene, di terapia fisio-psichica e di cultura eclettica - organo dell'Associazione Naturopatica Italiana e dell'Associazione Eclettica Universale
Chicago, (s.n.)

Il messaggiere italiano dell'Ovest - politica, industria, commercio, letteratura, teatri
Chicago - (s.n. (Tip. Italo-americana)

Metabolic, pediatric and systemic ophthalmology
New York - Opto Ed. inc., 1982-

Metabolism - clinical and experimental
New York (NY) - Grune & Stratton, 1952-

Metacognition, cognition, and human performance
Orlando etc. - Academic press, 1985 -
Monographic text

Metal finishing
New York- Metal and plastics publications, 1940-

Metal ions in biological systems

Metal nanoparticles - synthesis, characterization and applications / edited by Daniel L. Feldheim, Colby A. Foss
New York - Marcel Dekker, c2002
Monographic text

Metal science and heat treatment = Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov
New York - Consultants Bureau, 1963-

Metallurgical and materials transactions B - process metallurgy and materials processing science
Warrendale - The minerals, metals & materials society and ASM international, 1994-

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