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New York - Graphis, 1999- Magazine Design issues - history, theory, criticism / School of Art and Design, College of Architecture Art and Urban Planning, the University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago - University of Illinois, 1984- Magazine Design methods and applications for distributed embedded systems - IFIP 18th World Computer Congress - TC10 Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems (DIPES 2004), 22 - 27 August 2004, Toulouse, France / edited by Bernd Kleinjohann ... (and others) Boston (etc.) - Kluwer Academic, c2004 Monographic text Design news - the design engineer's idea magazine Englewood - Cahners Publishing, 1946- Magazine The design of instruction and evaluation - affordances of using media and technology / edited by Mitchell Rabinowitz, Fran C. Blumberg, Howard T. Everson Mahwah, Nj. - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004 Monographic text Design of system on a chip - devices & components / edited by Ricardo Reis and Jochen A.G. Jess Boston (etc.) - Kluwer academic publishers, c2004 Monographic text Design on a dim / °editor Amy Tincher-Durik Des Moines (Iowa) - Meredith, 2004 Monographic text Design secrets- layout - 50 real-life projects uncovered / Rodney J. Moore Gloucester, MA - Rockport, 2004 Monographic text Designing CDMA 2000 systems / Leonhard Korowajczuk ... (and others) New York - John Wiley, (2004) Monographic text Designing interactive systems, DIS 2004 - Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1-4 August 2004 - across the spectrum - publication based on the Designing interactive systems conference / co-chairs David Benyon, Paul Moody New York - Association for Computing Machinery, 2004 Monographic text Designing social innovation - planning, building, evaluating / Bob Martens &Alexander G. Keul (editors) Cambridge - Hogrefe & Huber Pubblishers, 2004 Monographic text Designing Web Services with the J2EE 1.4 Platform - JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technology / Inderjeet Singh, ° Boston - Addison Wesley, c2004 Monographic text Designs and utility models throughout the world / by Anne Marie Greene St. Paul (Minn.) - Thomson - West Group Monographic text The destructive power of religion - violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam / edited by J. Harold Ellens ; foreword by Martin E. Marty Westport (Connecticut) - Praeger, 2004 Monographic text Detecting foreign bodies in food / Edited by M. Edwards Boca Raton - CRC ; Cambridge - Woodhead, c2004 Monographic text |