Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2005

Page no. 1196 of 1445       

McDermott, Terry
Perfect soldiers - the 9/11 Hijackers- who they were, why did it / Terry McDermott
New York - Harper Collins, c2005
Monographic text

McDonald, Bernadette
I'll call you in Kathmandu - the Elizabeth Hawley story / Bernadette McDonald ; foreword by Sir Edmund Hillary
Seattle, WA - Mountaineers Books, 2005
Monographic text

McDonald, Michael Dennis
Elections, parties, democracy - conferring the median mandate / Michael D. McDonald and Ian Budge
Oxford ; New York - Oxford University Press, 2005
Monographic text

McDonnell, Patrick
The gift of nothing / Patrick McDonnell
New York ; Boston - Little, Brown and company, 2005
Monographic text

McDonnell, Patrick
Who let the cat out? / by Patrick McDonnell
Kansas City - Andrews McMeel, c2005
Monographic text

McDonogh, Gary Wray
Global Hong Kong / Gary McDonogh and Cindy Wong
New York ; London - Routledge, 2005
Monographic text

McDonough, Jimmy
Big bosoms and square jaws - the biography of Russ Meyer, king of the sex film / Jimmy McDonough
New York - Three rivers press, c2005
Monographic text

McDougall, Walter A.
Freedom just around the corner - a new american history, 1585-1828 / Walter A. Mc Dougall
New York - Perennial, 2005
Monographic text

McDuffie, Felecia Wright
To our bodies turn we then
- body as word and sacrament in the works of John Donne / Felecia Wright McDuffie
New York - Continuum, ©2005
Monographic text

McEvilley, Thomas
The triumph of anti-art - conceptual and performance art in the formation of post-modernism / Thomas McEvilley
Kingston (New York) - McPherson & C., c2005
Monographic text

McEwan, Ian
Saturday / Ian McEwan
New York (etc. - Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, 2005
Monographic text

McEwan, Ian
Saturday - (a novel) / Ian McEwan
New York - Random House Large Print, c2005
Monographic text

McEwen, William J.
Married to the brand - why consumers bond with some brands for life - lessons from 60 years of research into the psychology of consumer relationships / by William J. McEwen
New York - Gallup, 2005
Monographic text

McGann, James G.
Comparative think tanks, politics, and public policy / James G. McGann with Erik C. Johnson
Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA - Edward Elgar, c2005
Monographic text

Mcgee, Micki
Self-help, inc - makeover culture in american life / Micki McGee
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 2005
Monographic text

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