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Philadelphia (etc.) - Saunders, 2007 It's a part of > Infectious disease clinics of North America Monographic text La Fiaccola - the Italian christian advocate - a weekly periodical for Italian immigrants devoted to the cause of religious moral and civic reform New York - F.H.Wright Magazine Fiaf international filmArchive database (The place of publication is not referred) - Fiaf - Silverplatter, c2001- Magazine The Fibonacci quarterly - the official journal of the Fibonacci Association (Santa Clara, CA) - Fibonacci Association, 1963- Magazine Fichier Augustinien / Institut des Études Augustiniennes, Paris Boston - Hall, 1972- Monographic text Fiction New York - Fiction c/o Department of English, The City College, 1972 - Magazine Fiction, 1876-1983 - a bibliography of United States editions New York ; London - Bowker, c1983 Monographic text Fiddlehead forum - bulletin of the American fern society New York - s.n. Magazine Field columbian museum. Anthropological series Chicago, 1895- Magazine Field columbian museum. Geological series V. 1(1895)- Magazine Field guide to wildlife diseases Madison - National wildlife health center, 1987- Monographic text Field measurements in geomechanics - proceedings of the 7th international symposium on field measurements in geomechanics (FMGM 2007) - Boston, MA., 24-27 September, 2007 / edited by Jerry DiMaggio, Peter Osborn. - Reston, Vi. - American Society of Civil Engineers, c2007. - 1 CD ROM. - (Geotechnical Special Publication; 175). - This CD may be viewed on a Macintosh or a PC. Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU RMS 2164836) Fieldiana. Botany Chicago (IL) - Field Museum of natural history museun, 1958-2010 Magazine Fieldiana. Geology Chicago - Field museum of natural history, 1945-2010 Magazine Fieldiana. Zoology Vol. 31, n. 1 (Sep. 1945)-vol. 73 ; n. s., n. 1 - Chicago natural history museum, 2009). - Chicago Magazine Fieldiana- Geology Memoirs / Chicago Natural History Museum Chicago, USA - a cura dell'A., 1948- Magazine |