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(The place of publication is not referred - s.n.) Magazine IIE Solutions Atlanta - IIE, c1995 Magazine IJCAI ... - Proceedings of the ... International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence / sponsored by The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Los Altos - Kaufmann, 1969- Magazine Illinois biological monographs Urbana - University of Illinois, 1914- Magazine Illinois Classical Studies Ithaca N.Y. - Scholars press, 1976- Magazine Illinois journal of mathematics Urbana - University of Illinois, 1957- Magazine Illinois petroleum / State of Illinois, State geological survey, Department of registration and education Urbana - Illinois State geological survey , 1926- Magazine Illinois studies in language and literature Urbana Illinois - University of Illinois, 1934- Magazine The Illusionist / music by Philip Glass from the film ; The Czech Film Orchestra conduceted by Michael Riesman (USA) - Ryko, (2007) Audio recording Illustrated World of the Bible library / ?English ed. Dir. gen.- Yehudah Makavy ; transl.- Merton Dagut? New York ; Toronto ; London - Mc Graw-Hill, 1958- . Monographic text 2- Illustrations / Ann Terry and Henry Maguire University Park - The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007 It's a part of > Dynamic Splendor - the wall mosaics in the Cathedral of Eufrasius at Porec / Ann Terry and Henry Maguire Monographic text Illustrators - the annual of American illustration published for the Society of illustrators / edited and designed by Bob Crozier New York, 1959- Magazine Image - journal of photography of the George Eastman House Rochester, N.Y. - George Eastman House, 1952- Magazine Imagination for crime prevention essays in honour of Ken Pease / Graham Farrell ... (and others) editors Monsey, NY - Criminal Justice press ; Cullompton - Willan, 2007 Monographic text Imagination, cognition and personality - The scientific study of consciousness Farmingdale - Baywood Publishing, 1981- Magazine |