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24 cm. (Semestrale) Magazine Indigenous woman - a publication of the Indigenous Women's Network Vol. 1, n. 1 (spring 1991)-. - Lake Elmo (Periodicità non determinata.(MN) - IWN ; 28 cm., n. 1 (spring 1991)-. - Lake Elmo (Periodicità non determinata.(MN) - IWN Magazine Indigenous Women and the United Nations System - Good Practices and Lessons Learned / Compiled by the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues for the Task Force on Indigenous Women/Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality New York - United Nations, 2007 Monographic text Indigenous world San Francisco - (s.n.), 1982 Magazine Indoor air bulletin - technology, research and news for indoor environmental quality Santa Cruz, CA - Indoor air information service, (©1991- Magazine Indoor air quality update Santa Cruz (Cal.) - Cutter Information Corp. Magazine Industrial & engineering chemistry research Washington (DC) - American chemical society, 1987- Magazine Industrial & engineering chemistry research - fundamentals - process design and development - product research and development Washington - American chemical society, 1987- Magazine Industrial & environmental crisis quarterly Thousand Oaks (CA) - Sage Magazine Industrial and engineering chemistry. Research - fundamentals, process design and development, product research and development / American chemical society V. 26 (1987)- Magazine Industrial and labor relations report , Inizia nel 1964 Magazine 3- The industrial book - 1840-1880 / edited by Scott E. Casper ... (et. al.) Chapel Hill - Published in association with the American Antiquarian Society by the University of North Carolina Press, c2007 It's a part of > A history of the book in America / general editor David D. Hall Monographic text Industrial clusters and innovation systems in Africa - institutions, markets, and policy / edited by Banji Oyelaran-Oyeyinka and Dorothy McCormick Tokyo (etc.) - United Nations University, c2007 Monographic text Industrial commodity statistics yearbook - production and consumption statistics / Department for economic and social information and policy analysis, Statistical division of the United Nations New York - United Nations, 1994-2007 Magazine Industrial competitiveness and restructuring in enlarged Europe - how accession countries catch up and integrate in the European Union / edited by Iraj Hoshi, Paul J. Welfens and Anna Wziatek-Kubiak New York - Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 Monographic text |