Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2007

Page no. 390 of 1377       

Intellectual property - cases and materials / by David Lange, Mary LaFrance, Gary Myers
St. Paul, MN - Thomson/West, c2007
Monographic text

Intellectual property and information wealth - issues and practices in the digital age / edited by Peter K. Yu
Westport ; London - Praeger, 2007
Monographic text

Intellectual property law review
New York - Boardman, 1978-

Intelligence - new visions of AI in practice
New York - ACM, 1999-

Intelligence and human rights in the era of global terrorism / edited by Steve Tsang
Westport (Conn.) ; London - Praeger Security International, (2007)
Monographic text

2- The intelligence cycle - the flow of secret information from overseas to the highest councils of government / edited by Loch K. Johnson.- Westport, Conn. - Praege, 2007
It's a part of > Strategic intelligence / edited by Loch K. Johnson
Monographic text

Intelligent and active packaging for fruits and vegetables / edited by Charles L. Wilson
Boca Raton (etc.) - CRC, ©2007
Monographic text

Inter-american law review / The University of Miami
Florida - University of Miami

Interactions - artistic interchange between the Eastern and Western worlds in the medieval period / ed. by Colum Hourihane
Princeton - Index of Christian Art, Department of art & archaeology Princeton University in association with Penn State University Press, 2007
Monographic text

Interactions - new visions of human-computer interaction
New York - Association for computing machinery, c1994

The interactions bibliography
Penryn, CA - Rochydell resources

3- Interactions of liposomes with the biological milieu / edited by Gregory Gregoriadis. 3. ed
New York ; London - Informa Healthcare, ©2007
It's a part of > Liposome technology / editor Gregory Gregoriadis
Monographic text

Interactive learning environments
Norwood, N.J. - Ablex Publishing Corporation, c1990

Intercultural spaces - language, culture, identity / edited Aileen Pearson-Evans, Angela Leahy
New York (etc.) - P. Lang, 2007
Monographic text

Interest group politics / edited by Allan J. Cigler, Burdett A. Loomis
Washington - CQ Press, c2007
Monographic text

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