Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2007

Page no. 393 of 1377       

... international conference on software engineering - ICSE ... - proceedings / ACM (Association for computing machinery), IEEE computer society, IEEE (Institute of electrical and electronic engineers)
Los Alamitos - IEEE

International corporate design system
New York - Art direction book company, 1989-
Monographic text

International cosmetic ingredient dictionary and handbook. / editors Tara E. Gottschalk, John E. Bailey
Monographic text

The international criminal court monitor - the newsletter of the NGO coalition for an international criminal court
New York - NGO coalition for the ICC

International criminal law documents - cases and materials / by Jordan J. Paust ... (and others)
Durham - Carolina Academic press, ©2007
Monographic text

The International Development Agenda and the Climate Change / United Nations, Economic and Social Affairs
New York - United Nations, 2007
Monographic text

International directory of company histories
Chicago - St. James

International directory of research e development scientists - annual
Philadelphia - Institute for Scientific Information, 1968-

International documentary source book - official publication of the IDA, International Documentary Association / BIB. Broadcast Information Bureau
Philadelphia - North American publishing

International economic insights
Washington - Institute for International Economics

International economic policy review
Washington - International monetary fund, 1999-

International economic review / The first national bank of Chicago
Chicago, 1961-1972

International electronics - serving industry, communications and government world-wide

The international Eliade / edited by Bryan Rennnie
Albany, N.Y. - State university of New York press, ©2007
Monographic text

The international enamelist
Cleveland - International division ferro corporation, 1951-

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