Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2007

Page no. 509 of 1377       

Management accounting
Montvale (N.J.) - National Association of Accountants

Management accounting - official magazine of the Institute of management accountants
New York, Institute of management accontants, -1999

Management information systems quarterly
Minneapolis (MN) - MIS research centre, 1977-

Management of high-risk pregnancy - an evidence-based approach / edited by John T. Queenan, Catherine Y. Spong, Charles J. Lockwood
Malden - Blackwell Publishing, c2007
Monographic text

Management science - journal of the Institute of management sciences
Providence, Rhode Island - Institute of management sciences, 1975/76-

Managing a multilevel foreign policy - the EU in international affairs / edited by Paolo Foradori, Paolo Rosa, and Riccardo Scartezzini
Lanham (etc.) - Lexington Books, (2007)
Monographic text

Managing allergens in food / edited by Clare Mills, Harry Wichers and Karin Hoffmann- Sommergruber
Boca Raton (etc.) - CRC ; Cambridge (UK) - Woodhead, 2007
Monographic text

2- Managing and implementing corporate social responsibility / edited by Andrew Crane and Dirk Matten
Los Angeles (etc. - Sage, 2007
It's a part of > Corporate social responsibility / edited by Andrew Crane and Dirk Marren
Monographic text

Managing biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems / edited by D.I. Jarvis, C. Padoch, and H.D. Cooper
New York - Columbia University Press - Bioversity International, 2007
Monographic text

Managing coastal tourism resorts - a global perspetive / edited by Sheela Agarwal and Gareth Shaw
Clevedon - Multilingual Matters Ltd., 2007
Monographic text

Managing investment portfolios - a dynamic process / John L., Maginn, Donald L. Tuttle, ... (and others)
Hoboken, New Jersey - J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007
Monographic text

Managing public debt- from diagnostics to reform implementation / The World Bank
Washington D.C. - The World bank, 2007
Monographic text

Managing school districts for high performance / editors, Stacey Childress, ... (et. al.)
Harvard - Harvard Education Press, 2007
Monographic text

Managing school districts for high performance - instructor's guide / editorsStacey Childress, ... (et. al.)
Harvard - Harvard Education Press, 2007
Monographic text

Managing the modern law firm - new challenges, new perspectives / edited by Laura Empson
New York - Oxford University Press, 2007
Monographic text

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