Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2007

Page no. 539 of 1377       

Modern portfolio theory and investment analysis / Edwin J. Elton ... (and others). 7. ed
(Hoboken) - Wiley, c2007
Monographic text

Modern power systems
San Francisco - M. Freeman publications, 1981-

Modern Roses 12 - the comprehensive list of roses in cultivation or of historical or botanical importance / editors Marily A. Young, Phillip Schorr
Shreveport - The American Rose Society, 2997
Monographic text

The modern schoolman - a quarterly journal of philosophy
Saint Louis - Saint Louis university

Modern screen's hollywood yearbook
New York - Dell publishing co

Modern socialism
Brooklyn - A. Ziegler, 1941-

Modern soil microbiology / edited by Jan Dirk Van Elsas, Janet K. Jansson, Jack T. Trevors
Boca Raton (etc.) - CRC Press, c2007
Monographic text

Modern treatment
New York - Hoeber medical division of Harper & Row, 1964-

Modern veterinary practice
Santa Barbara - American veterinary publications, c1958-

Modernist paradise - Niemeyer House, Boyd collection / text by Michael Webb ; principal photography by Tim Street-Porter
New York - Rizzoli, 2007
Monographic text

Mold reporter
Austin - Abbey publications, 2001 -

The mole
Boston (MA) - People's Media Center, (1970 -

Molecular & cellular proteomics - MCP
Bethesda (MD) - American society for biochemistry and molecular biology, 2002-

Molecular anatomic imaging - PET-CT and SPECT-CT integrated modality imaging / editor Gustav K. von Schulthess
Philadelphia (etc.) - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007
Monographic text

Molecular and cellular biology - MCB
Washington (DC) - American society for microbiology, 1981-

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