Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2007

Page no. 542 of 1377       

Momentum 9 - Kader Attia
Boston - The Institute of COntemporary Art, (2007?
Monographic text

Mon-Khmer studies
Saigon - Summer Institute of linguistics, 1964-

The monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai
Ann Arbor - The University of Michigan Press, 1973- .
Monographic text

Madison - Wisconsin, 1946- v. ; 24-26 cm. -, 1946- v.

Monatshefte für deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur
Madison - University of Wisconsin Press, 1998-

Il mondo - an Italian daily with American ideals
New York - Il mondo publishing co., 1941-

Il mondo - rivista mensile di problemi internazionali
New York - Il Mondo Publishing

Money laundering alert
Vol. 1, n. 1(oct. 1989)- .- Miami - A Division of Alert international

Mongolian studies - journal of the Mongolia society
Bloomington - Mongolia Society, 1974-

The monist - an international quarterly journal of general philosophical inquiry
La Salle ; (poi) Peru - Hegeler institute

Monitor on psychology
Washington - American psychological association, 1970-. 27 cm

Monitoring in the intensive care units / guest editor Mark D. Siegel
Philadelphia (PA) (etc. - Saunders, (©2007
It's a part of > Critical care clinics
Monographic text

Monocots - comparative biology and evolution-Poales / J. Travis Columbus... (and others) (editors)
Claremont - Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden ; (The place of publication is not referred) - Allen press, 2007
It's a part of > ?El ?aliso - journal of the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden
Monographic text

Monograph of the American College of nutrition
New York etc. - Spectrum publ., 1977-

Monograph series on languages and linguistics
Washington (DC) - Georgetown university press, 1951-

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