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World statistics in brief / United Nations, Department of economic and social affairs statistical office New York - United Nations statistical pocketbook, 1976- Magazine Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs - Statistics division Technical reference manual for the standardization of geographical names - United Nations group of experts on geographical names / Department of economic and social affairs, Statistics Division New York - United Nations, 2007 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of international economic and social affairs Construction statistics yearbook / United Nations, Department of international economic and social affairs, Statistical office New York - United Nations Magazine Nazioni Unite - Department of international economic and social affairs Demographic indicators of countries - estimates and projections as assessed in ... / Department of international economic and social affairs New York - United Nations, 1982- Magazine Nazioni Unite - Department of international economic and social affairs Population growth and policies in mega-cities / Department of international economic and social affairs Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of international economic and social affairs - Statistical office Guide des statistiques du budget-temps - mesures du travail remunerè et non remunerè / Department des affaires economiques et sociales Division de statistique New York - Nations Unies, 2007 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific ... / United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific New York - United Nations Publications, 1948- Magazine Nazioni Unite - Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific Key economic developments and prospects in the Asia-Pacific region 2008 / Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific New York - United Nations ESCAP, 2007 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific Transport and communications bulletin for Asia and the Pacific / Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific New York - United Nations, 1976- Magazine Nazioni Unite - Economic commission for Asia and the Far East Étude sur la situation économique de l'Asie et de l'Extrême-Orient en 1956 ?et? en 1957 New York - United Nations, 1959- Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East - Flood Con trol Bureau Aménagement à fins multiples des bassins fluviaux New York - Nations Unies, 1957- Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Economic commission for Europe - Statistical division Trends in Europe and North America ... - the statistical yearbook of the Economic commission for Europe / United Nations Economic commission for Europe New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 1995- Magazine Nazioni Unite - General assembly General assembly. Resolutions and decisions New York - United Nations, 1980- Magazine Nazioni Unite - General assembly Résolutions et décisions adoptées par l' Assemblée générale au cours de sa ... session / Nation Unies New York - Nations Unies, 1976- Magazine Nazioni Unite - Human Rights Committee 8- Seventy-fifth to eighty-fourth sessions - July 2002-July 2005) / Human Rights Committee New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 2007 It's a part of > Selected decisions of the human rights committee under the optional protocol - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Monographic text |