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Washington, D.C. - APhA American Pharmaceutical Association, 2008 Monographic text Artbibliographies current titles S. Barbara (California) - ABC, 1972- Magazine ARTbibliographies modern Bethesda - Csa, copertura 1974- Periodico - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU MIL 0611572) L' arte dell'allattamento materno Schaumburg - La Leche League International, stampa 2008 Monographic text Arte=vida - actions by artists of the Americas 1960-2000 - El Museo del Barrio / edited by Deborah Cullen New York - El Museo del Barrio, (2008 Monographic text Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology Dallas, TX - American heart association, 1995- Magazine Artery - an international journal for rapid communication of arterial research Leonidas (MI) - Hubbord industries, 1974- Magazine Artforum international New York - Artforum International Magazine, 1982- Magazine Arthritis and rheumatism - official journal of the American rheumatism association Atlanta (etc.) - Arthritis foundation (etc.), 1958- Magazine Arthritis care and research - an official journal of the American college of rheumatology New York - Wiley Interscience, 2001- Magazine Arthroscopy - the journal of arthroscopic and related surgery - official journal of the Arthroscopy association of North America and the International arthroscopy association New York - Raven press Magazine Arthur Miller's The crucible / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom New York - Bloom's Literary Criticism, c2008 Monographic text Artibus Asiae Zurich - the Museum Rietberg, (1925-26)- Magazine Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology New York - Dekker, 1994- Magazine Artificial intelligence in theory and practice 2 - IFIP 20. World computer congress, TC 12 - IFIP AI 2008 stream, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy / Edited by Max Bramer New York - Springer, c2008 Monographic text Artificial life Cambridge - The MIT Press Magazine |